Gardening Trends

5 wintery houseplants ❄️🪴 Plantmas Day 15

snowy plants – snowy houseplants – winter houseplants – winter themed houseplants – winter themed plants


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00:00 Intro
02:07 Snow Queen Pothos
03:39 Peperomia Frost
05:42 Ice Plant
07:31 Syngonium Frosted Heart
09:54 Begonia White Ice
13:02 Outro


  1. You seem like such a sweet person ☺️ I haven’t finished the video yet, but I’m glad you are enjoying the snow! I love snow as well ❄️⛄️

  2. I love snow too!! It's why I won't move south. I'm in the mountains of western PA, and the weather is wonky. It's been really cold, and we got ice today. 😐 no snow, just ice….
    The only plant I have of this group is pepperomia frost. It's a great plant. For me, it's been easy. It sits 5 ft back from a west facing window, and I water when the top of the soil is dry to the touch. That's it. Every once in a while, I'll throw it in the shower to rinse off any dust.
    And syngonium frosted heart is on my wl. It's such a beautiful plant. I'm pretty sure you can put it on a pole. I'm trying to remember what plantuber I saw that had theirs like that and introduced me to it.

  3. I hate snow, I don’t like shovelling either😂 we just had our first winter storm yesterday! I can send you some lol

  4. I love the begonia ice too not got one though. Don't get snow down here in Plymouth much at all and if we do it doesn't usually settle.we have to take a trip up too Dartmoor. Was great to see u having fun in the snow!!! X

  5. I have a draecena surcolosa 'Florida Beauty' for several years that is green with white dots on the leaves that look like snow.

    I got the plant as a little 3" pot in Home Depot, where they're always available, and it's grown to about 18" now and is the centerpiece on my dining room table.

    It's an easy plant to take care of ..doesn't need a lot of water…and it has fragrant flowers in summer.

  6. Your ice plant is just one of a wide variety of plants that get that name. About all they have in common are that they seem to be smaller succulent ground cover types of plants. You could create an entire collection of such plants. Being from LA you have likely seen large stretches of one invasive variety of them along the sides of the roads and in beach areas and never knew what they were called.

  7. I totally understand the snow thing. Even though I live in Washington state I've only even had snow before Christmas a handful of times. I absolutely love watching snow fall and how quiet it gets 🥰 I'm so glad you get to enjoy having snow in December!

  8. This was a fun video! I feel the same way about snow! Usually all we get is sleet. Yuck! I want to be good with Begonias too. They are so interesting and different. I love the idea of trying and mastering new things in 2023. 👍 Also, where are you keeping your Peperomia frost? Could it be getting too much light causing the leaves to yellow?

  9. I love snow too! We only get a good snow once or twice a year where I live so it’s super exciting when it happens 😊 Hoya Lacunosa Snow Caps is another one. It has such cute little leaves!

  10. If you're struggling with peperomias, nick pilegi (?) on YouTube loves them. If the leaves are chonky to touch, it's happy. If they're floppy, it could be overwatered or underwatered, check the soil. Some peperomias like humidity, some are super easy. I've never had the frost one, but looks like it'll like a bit of humidity. Yellow leaves could be soggy soil. Keep us updated 😊

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