Garden Plans

Not all my plants died | frozen garden

It has been the coldest December in decades and our garden has been subjected to temperatures we’d normally not see until February. It was so sudden, from positive temperatures to -8C. So how did the plants fair? Did the vegetable beds survive or was all that work growing winter veggies for nothing?
Did the polytunnel/hoop house make any difference or was this cold snap just too much?

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  1. Nice video. Do you have a heater in your greenhouse? I have a small 6×8 ft greenhouse with a small heater. It keeps the night time temperatures in the '50s Fahrenheit. I also have a govee thermometer that has an app on my phone so I can monitor the temperatures. Its only $13 on Amazon.

  2. 🥶 can’t believe you ride in that cold 😂😂 but hopefully the roads are safe. Glad most things survived it’s still minus 10c here during the day and a foot of snow today. Have a wonderful time with family and friends Merry Christmas 🤶🎄⛄️❄️

  3. Great update. Glad to see that things survived as well as they did. Our two standard bay trees that I moved into the greenhouse before this weather have survived against all expectations and the pak choi in the grow bags look perfect as well. This bout of sub zero temperatures got me thinking about spring and when I'm going to start heating the greenhouse with the horrific cost of energy and I've picked up a mini pvc greenhouse which was on sale to put up in my actual greenhouse and a simple heater for it which should do the trick as the pvc one is only 5ft high and a couple of feet wide. I'll save putting on the normal heater until hopefully a month later which means I can get the chilli's going in the vitopod in the middle of January and protect them in spring without ruining myself….hopefully. Can't wait for your next update and to get planting again 😁

  4. I bet that weather station is coming in handy, you must have some heavy duty gloves cycling in that weather.
    Both 2009 and 2010 Decembers where a lot cold than this last cold spell.

  5. I've just ordered some more Broad bean seeds, mine were doing well but I dont think they will recover! I only grow them for my mum 🙂We only got down to about -3 I think!

  6. Enjoyed the update. I just received a supply of greenhouse poly for my raised beds but it is currently-34C in Calgary so it won’t go on today. Not sure the poky would help this week.

  7. Great video showing the ups and downs. I hit -13°C 🥺
    That blooming land cress is alive! My Brussels have had a good frost, good for them I believe and my cavalo Nero has shod it's wee beasties.
    Greenhouse was frozen solid but when I got in the lowest had been -6.2°C so greens doing fine, although as the forecast changed I did reuse packaging to insulate them.
    Still getting tomatoes from the West facing winowsill! My facefook friends are amazed!
    Have a fabulous Christmas girls, get some rest (Andrew's liver salts optional) and enjoy your time off xxxx

  8. It looks like everything fared pretty well and that makes me so happy!

    It is supposed to be 2°F (16.7°C) in a couple days, so that is when our true test will come.

    Thanks so much for the updates and can’t wait to see what you have planned for the Spring! ❤

    Can’t get here soon enough for me. ❤

  9. Great update Eli , our weather was very similar to yours so I feel your pain but agreat learning curve I think 🙂👍

  10. Hi from u nubie from Edinburgh. Love your videos, I could totally relate. Thank you.
    I am also converting my back garden into an edible one. Bit by bit the lawn is getting smaller and smaller 😁
    That freeze was something, it killed my strawberies. 😒

  11. I'm in Western Montana. Currently right at freezing and will drop down to 5*F (-15*C). We have a winter storm warning tonight thru tomorrow night, expecting total snow accumulation between 3" and 6". Then the temps will drop. Tomorrow's high of 9*F (-13*C) and a low of -19*F (-28*C) tomorrow night then Thurs with a high of -5*F (-20*C) and a low of -10*F (-23*C). Fortunately the temps will be above freezing starting Saturday. Yeah, baby, it's cold outside!

  12. So glad to hear most things survived!
    Let’s hope it doesn’t get that cold again!

  13. I'm in N Germany, we had about the same as you, except we had a wee bit more snow so it hung around until Monday night.. I'm glad most stuff came through ok for you. I haven't anything or except some leftover cabbage that never really grew well and some rocket that went to seed. My lettuce never grew after summer, the later plantings just never grew. Nor the radishes, really. Odd. I'm overwintering a few tomatoes / cuttings, and peppers and physalis in the house to try to get a jump start on next year. I'm so happy to have found your channel because you're about the same latitude and close in climate so it's dead useful to see what's possible.

  14. Hi Eli, love your videos. I have some little cabbage and broccoli plants in my greenhouse (only about 5 inches) that look dormant at the moment and some very small lettuce and pak choi. Should I water them in this cold weather?

  15. My greenhouse holds a couple of sorry looking salads and 2 chards.
    Didn't manage to get sowing this autumn again… There is always next year I guess !

  16. I have got to follow your lead on those tunnels! There's definitely a cold snap coming our way. Your greenhouse looks so cozy though!

  17. I think we fared pretty well here in Scotland. Your plants look good considering.Our garden thermometer showed minus 11 one night. My only casualties were a cabbage and my chard plants which are a bit translucent but the centres look like they will come back. Let's see what the rest of the winter has in store. I covered most veg with fleece until I ran out. My broad beans are fine thank goodness!

  18. Our cold snap is still snapping! -19°C last night. Staying at -15° during the day. Next week should be better. I’m hiding. Seeing greenery is so soothing. Thank you! Happy holiday to you and Kate. Thanks for months of enjoyment! ❤️👍🇨🇦👩‍🌾

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