Japanese Garden

Webinar #30 “How to Create a New Iris – AKA the story of Species Crosses” by Bob Pries

Webinar #30 “How to Create a New Iris – AKA the story of Species Crosses” by Bob Pries
Species crosses are hybrids involving more than one species. Species crosses were the foundation of the other current iris classes. This webinar will take a look at the effects species have made on the development of the iris classifications; the progress towards new classifications and the potential for crosses in the future.

About the Presenter

Bob Pries, in his own words, is a “frustrated botanist who gave up academia to make a living.”
Beyond that, however, Bob has used his botanical knowledge and his interest in the Iridaceae to create one of the greatest resources available in the horticultural world, the AIS Iris Encyclopedia (aka iris wiki). Bob also built the AIS Ben R. Hager-Sidney P. DuBose Memorial Online Iris Library within the pages of the Iris Encyclopedia. “Bob originated and brought to fruition the International Species Symposium in St. Louis, MO in March 1995.” Bob has also served on the board of several Sections or Cooperating Societies over the years including SIGNA, DIS, and ASI. He has also served as a Director of AIS and on the board of the AIS Foundation.

The American Iris Society: http://www.irises.org/

Social Media:


00:00 Intro
02:10 About this presentation
03:23 Prologue: What are species irises?
08:15 Species crosses: Generations?
09:45 Sir Michael Foster
12:50 Foster crosses
13:53 Wha are I. germanica?
15:19 Tetraploid species
17:24 Foster naming convention
20:52 Botanical naming system
22:05 The X Files
25:55 Iris. X robusta, I. versicolor, I. setosa
32:29 L.F. Randolph
34:23 Amos Perry
36:12 Randolph – Perry Medal
37:50 Paul Cook’s work
39:51 Cook – Douglas Medal
41:10 Iris pumila
42:03 I. pumila crosses
44:26 The Metric Conversion of 1975
45:56 Other Species Crosses
53.53 Tomas Tamberg seedlings
54:23 Tony Huber – I. versicolor
57:00 The work of Tomas Tamberg
1:03:20 Calsibes: PCNs x Sino-Siberians
1:08:21 I. dichotoma and I. domestica
1:11:29 Sam Norris and Darrell Probst
1:17:37 Iris imbricate and Iris purpureobracteata
1:19:45 Iris graminea and Iris foetidissima
1:22:02 Iris tectorum, Iris japonica, Iris confusa
1:23:03 Evansias and other iris

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