Japanese Garden

Literally the Strangest Brush You'll Ever Love!

Let me show you how you’re missing out if you don’t own a cat’s tongue brush!


LAST VIDEO https://youtu.be/kJCc8mJwqm8


Wet on Dry, Damp, Etc…..

MY JOYFUL ART SUPPLIES (Specific list for this vid below)
Brushes: https://kristythepainter.portals.click/bg7U3C
Palette: https://mailchi.mp/kristyrice/palette

My Newest Book! Mixed-Media Adventures

WATERcolor Your Own Calendar

WATERcolor Notecards with Foil

WATERcolor Your Own Ornaments

WATERcolor Your Own Garland


SIGN up for my email list & you’ll GET YOUR FREE CREATIVITY E-BOOK!


Arches Cold Press Watercolor Pad

The Art for Joy’s Sake Watercolor Palette
Palette: https://mailchi.mp/kristyrice/palette

The Art for Joy’s Sake Brush Collection
+ the Free From Fear Brush Collection coming 2023!

Get in touch! hello@kristyrice.com



Licensing – https://wildapple.com/artists/kristy-rice/
Hand Painted Stationery – http://www.momentaldesigns.com/
Watercolor Homegoods – https://www.kristyrice.com/
WATERcoloring Books – https://www.amazon.com/shop/kristyrice?listId=3SMWYZDWZ4SZP

Founder and Host of #Artforjoysake

Kristy’s WATERcoloring Books:

How to Make Art for Joy’s Sake – Free-Spirited Watercolor

The Art for Joy’s Sake Journal – https://www.kristyrice.com/products/the-art-for-joys-sake-journal
Painterly Days, Floral – https://amzn.to/2C9oi6S
Painterly Days, Woodland – https://amzn.to/2PRuHqo
Painterly Days, Pattern – https://amzn.to/2PM0YiB

Kristy’s Summer Cutting Garden – https://amzn.to/2MGntHy
Kristy’s Spring Cutting Garden – https://amzn.to/2BYqMVI
Kristy’s Fall Cutting Garden – https://amzn.to/2LIyfrD

#holidayart #watercolorforbeginners #easywatercolor


  1. I love this brush set and the brush stroke drills are so helpful. Learning how to use each brush and seeing the possibilities is something no one else does.

  2. First curves scrap was first fav. Yes I'll try this. Two nights ago was going through old paint brushes And trying out different grips and slants. Then I had to see what salt did when sprinkled on watercolors. I keep my swatches in the front of an old spiral bound sketch pad and practice paintings in the back. I'll try an actual picture next year. I already have the photo 😂

  3. I love the diagonal lines it reminds me of a monsoon rain. I left an actual list of your brushes and some academy paper. My 37 year old daughter asked if the brands mattered. I just looked at her. She yelled down the hall “brand matters dad” he called back from his office “ask her if she’s seen strathmore paper, it’s much more economical” she walked down to his office I couldn’t hear what they were saying. Hoping she got it straightened out

  4. Thanks Kristy. This is a brush I never reach for. It never did what I wanted it to and another brush did it. Now watching you I can see how you are holding the brush to the paper. Tomorrow is my cat tongue brush day. Time to play with it. 😁

  5. It’s like your child who’s the favorite. No favorites they are all so pretty.
    I just bought this set of brushes and oh boy do I love them. Thank you!!!

  6. I have been using the cat's🐱 tongue👅 brush🖌️ to paint 🎨 dahlia's🌸🌼🏵️ since the summer. It took a couple of practice tries, but once I got down a pattern it works really well for dahlia's. 😀🌺❤️

  7. My favorite brush is a size 18 round. I literally use it for everything. I get annoyed at other brushes because they don't hold as much water as my trusty round does. It's frustrating, but I can get fine details or thick washes with it, so it's only annoying because I have other brushes and just … they aren't my 18 round lol

  8. I do plan on trying this. Likely after the holiday after I finish gifts and cookie making. I'll come home from work and play. To decompress.

  9. I know everyone’s struggling right now but I was just curious if you possibly have any holiday codes? I’d love to buy your paint brushes and your watercolor set for my mom for Christmas. After she had surgery I went to her house to just do something fun to lift her spirits and we took out some old Crayola paint and she actually made a really cool little picture. I just love to be able to give her something really special this Christmas. Just thought I’d ask.
    I really love and appreciate your approach teaching people how to do watercolor because it’s more of a feeling than technical step one step two step three.❤

  10. Kristy will you show some glass support painting. That’s wetting down a piece of glass and both sides of the paper before painting. It stays wet for hours and the tension of the water makes the paper adhere. No tape, no bubbles. I would love some examples of you working this way with your fabulous brushes that I own.

  11. When I go to the link, it references a set – is brush part of a set? Just want to make sure I am purchasing the correct brush.

  12. Cat’s tongue > Dagger for me. Not sure if I’m just not used to the dagger but I haven’t gotten the hang of it yet. My cat’s tongue needs to be replaced soon. 😢 It’s starting to fray, that’s how much I use it. Out of that 6 brush set I bought ( faux squirrel – cat’s tongue, 2 rounds, rigger, 2 flats) the liner saw the least action but your other drill video changed that!

  13. It would help to see what the Brush actually looks like?? flat, round, ????

  14. Oh wow so interesting. I always end up with the same brushes even though I have so many. Happy holidays, Kristy and thank you for all the wonderful videos you shared with us🥰

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