Gardening Supplies

Tips for a Greener Life and the Surprising Benefits of Gardening | Eat to Live Podcast

Why should you grow your own fruits and vegetables and actually work with dirt? Ask a green thumb how they feel about gardening, and they will tell you it’s a mood elevator. In the Blue Zones, regions of the world where people live longer and healthier, outdoorsy lifestyle with moderate physical activity is credited for their less stressed and longer life.

Now according to Dr. Joel Fuhrman, we’re intrinsically tied to the health of the planet. And that helps explain why we enjoy nature, reconnecting with the earth, and, well, growing plants.

On this episode, Dr. Fuhrman and his daughter Jenna talk about the many benefits of gardening, how our health relates to the health of the soil, and more.

Here’s the conversation 🌱

00:00 – Can gardening help you live longer and healthier?
11:58 – Tips for growing your own food + vegetables you should grow
22:15 – The benefits of having plants inside your home
25:10 – Microgreens and salads
26:30 – Composting the Nutritarian way
30:40 – What are earthworm castings?
32:50 – Why it’s harder to lose weight today than back in the day
36:06 – Are hydroponic plants healthy?
37:44 – Q&A – Health questions answered

What To Watch Next

Is Calorie Restriction Something You Need to Worry About in a Nutritarian Diet? |Eat to Live Podcast


Why Do You Need the Omega-3 Fatty Acids: DHA and EPA?

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  1. i thought it was all of the above which I do. But as a fulltime year round gardener this is extremely exciting. And this is why I am gardening for the highest of highest quality. I give my plants all they need and in turn they give me more back. TNX DR Fuhrman. Compost compost compost.

  2. Fabulous!!! Thank you!!! At a Dr visit for routine check up last week, my Dr told me I am at the age being over 60 for “disease progression” this is so typical! Thank you for your example, videos, books podcasts etc. I don’t think the aim though should be living to 100, rather living healthy, fit, feeling great, disease free👍👍👍👍🙏🙏

  3. Started turning my front lawn into a huge garden, and was a huge success! Whats surprising it really actually quite easy to grow more than you can actual eat haha – a great problem to have. Right now i'm building back up the soil tossing all my raw leftovers/cutings/compost right into the garden beds lightly tilling them in.

    Haha whats also great is its amazing how cruciferous veggies grow so dang heartily like kale, bok choy, turnips/greens, just grow like weeds in the heat/cold endlessly. They even grow well even after getting chewed on by pest – they just keek on kicking alive. pak/bok choy really is one of my favorites haha. Squash on the other hand I love greatly but man if they aren't like constantly crying babies to all fungi/pests. Also oddly enough I have trouble with potatoes living long enough to actually bare fruit and its the lease nutrient food compared to greens that grow better for me. Tomatoes can take a while at first but man once they start fruting you can easily find yourself with constantly having lunch in the garden picking the fresh red tomatoes everyday. Also ginger my gosh using your own ginger with green steam and all for smoothies or tea will clear your sinuses like a bomb of fresh air.

    Fun going ham on gardening. It really isn't all that much work. Literally can cut the bottom of your onions/kale/celery/almost everything you get from the store and just stick it in the ground and it will grow (most of the time). Eat some watermelon, pumpkin, grapes, corn you can just save the kernals/seeds and toss it in the garden and it'll grow. Its so easy to get a huge watermelon/pumpkin patch literally doing nothing other than some water. Incredible, and nothing is more satisfying than cracking open your own giant melon like uncovering a edible ruby!

    Don' even need to buy soil or anything yet myself. Just been getting by on making fertilizer from tree cuttings/weeds (gota be careful of anything with weed seeds though) soaking in water for a 1-3 days. Also dark soils around the property made from leaves just piling up composting down. I find random worms here and there and make my own worm bin tossing in scraps but its something I need to expand on and not forget about haha.

    Such a blast. Can't wait to make my lawn into a forest! Hope the city don't hate me lol

  4. Thank you so much for this video. It’s very helpful and it answered so many questions that I’ve been wanting to ask Dr. Fuhrman.

  5. This is Brilliant Dr. Fuhrman. 4 years ago I was fighting a losing battle with advanced prostate cancer. Two large tumors were cut out and a radical prostatectomy rendered me incontinent & lost of all function. My partner then left me. 3 years later on one meal with still no cancer but only to become sick with serious CVD and debilitating angina that required a stent, which I did not get. Only 8 months ago I switched to living purely off the vegetables in my garden plus mushrooms from the forest and I bought flax & chia seeds to eat. Zero oils, sugars, and nothing from a packet. Basically your nutrition diet. In 7 months of a complete switch from animal & fish (I am a hunter)and I now have my life back. I walk 5 km each day again with no angina, 30 minutes of weights, and sometimes I run but most of all I spend a good deal of my time in my garden using the no dig method to grow my food. Thank you for your wisdom. This video with your daughter was profound.

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