Garden Design

Overcome these 3 BIG Garden Design Myths and Get the Garden of Your Dreams

Enroll in the Design Your 4-Season Garden Course:

In this video, you’ll learn the 3 garden design secrets that will help you to overcome the biggest gardening challenges that are preventing you from creating your dream garden. If you liked this, you can also sign up for the full 45 min training 3 Gardening Secrets training right here:

1:38 – Secret 1: Avoid the “Big Two”
Learn how to stop making the two biggest mistakes that home gardeners make — every weekend at the garden center.

2:23 – Secret 2: What’s Holding You Back
Discover why inherent creativity has NOTHING to do with designing your dream garden — and what does.

3:24 – Secret 3: Unlock Potential
Learn the key to unlocking your garden’s potential — even if you have less than ideal conditions.

The most common questions I get about gardening are really design questions. Most gardeners don’t even realize they’re asking design questions (yikes – don’t run away just yet!). I promise design is really fun and not scary at all. And learning the basics will open up a whole new world of gardening for you!

🌷Helping you create a vibrant, manageable 4-season landscape that is uniquely you.🌷

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