Gardening Supplies

How to use a Cold Frame for Winter Gardening

How to use a Cold Frame for Winter Gardening

Today it was snowing so I thought I’d have a little fun and go out in the garden and film a video for you! We have been using cold frames for winter gardening for 12 seasons now! I love being able to head out to the garden in the middle of winter and harvest carrots and greens from my cold frames!

Here’s the link to sign up for the Year-Round Gardening Mini-Course:

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0:00 Introduction
1:20 What is a Cold Frame?
4:10 What can you grow in the winter in a cold frame
7:30 Harvesting Carrots from my Cold Frame
9:15 Join the Year-Round Gardening Mini-Course

Here’s a written list:
Swiss Chard
Winter Density Lettuce
Join the Gardening Academy:
Right now we are offering a 14-day free trial, come join The Gardening Academy for Free for the first 14 days. If you don’t like what you see you can cancel, but I know you will LOVE this program!

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PO Box 95089
South Jordan, UT 84095


  1. Every year I say I'm going to have a winter garden, but by the end of August I'm kind of burnt out. Then, in Nov/Dec, I'm disappointed that I have nothing growing. How do you stay motivated at the end of summer?

  2. How much space should we have inside the cold frame.. between the soil and the plexiglass? I’m wondering if my planter beds will work as a cold frame if I build a window for them for the winter. Except my planter beds are not 12 inches tall. They’re about 6 inches, I think. However, the soil is not leveled with the ground level. It’s higher.. so would this defeat the purpose?

  3. Heck, I can't even grow carrots during the 'normal' season. But you have me inspired for next year. My chickens would LOVE to have some carrot tops in the winter. I grow lettuce in my cold frame and one thing I do different is I line my frame with sheets of Styrofoam. And I just throw a heavy sheet over the box and remove it during the day. I'm supposedly in gardening zone 6 but I'm at 7,000 feet altitude and consider myself in zone 5. (My bees were flying today at 39 degrees. Go Figure!) Looking forward to your Year Round mini course! Thanks!

  4. Best video I’ve seen on coldframes. Thank you.
    Although I planted my carrots early, they didn’t get very big before winter.. come spring will they start growing again or is all of their growing done?

  5. Would you recommend a heating cable in the bottom of the box and growing the plants in pots that sit on top?

  6. We eagerly grow in the winter, too. Zone 6 with snow. I took your year-round gardening class and loved it. I did plant seeds in August for the autumn/winter, but they were stunted due to chlorine in our water….(boo). So, we don't have the crop we expected. Still, we are over-wintering some mustard, cilantro and other greens in our unheated greenhouse. Preparing to plant seeds indoors in January! Spring is almost here!

  7. This is my first year using a cold frame. Im in New hampshire and the arugula, Mustard Greens and cilantro absolutely love it. The regular garden is frozen but the soil in the frame is still relatively warm. I'm really curious about how early I'll be able to throw Spring seeds in. I usually start planting cold hardy plants in mid to late March but I'm going to try late Feburay this year and see if it works.

  8. Fresh vegetables harvested from under snow is always amazing. Thanks for inspiring and demonstrating that this works. Great video.

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