Vegetable Gardening

Raised Bed Garden | Fall Vegetable Gardening

Fall vegetable gardening in our raised bed garden. We’ll check in on the raised beds and see which plants were and were not affected by frost damage. So far, our cool weather crops like the brassicas were are doing fine and we are still expecting to harvest from them. Fall harvesting is a big component of our food supply here on the homestead. And with homesteading, cooking and canning our own food is important to us. Let’s take a look at our fall vegetables and see how they are doing.

Music provided by:
Song: Turn Up The Watts (TurnUpTheWatts)



  1. Hey Mark I love you man, but Tina is nicer to look at 😉 I guess a lot of people like live streams, but I'm not one of them. Have a great day. Best wishes Bob.

  2. You guys had such a beautiful garden. Most people use wood for their raised beds what made you decide to use the tin. They look new, have you had them long and how do you like them.

  3. Tina, you are a treat! Keep sneaking in and you’ll maybe get used to it and like it more and more being on camera. Sorry about your peppers, guys.

  4. I love seeing Tina in the videos! She is so cute and sweet 😊
    I would love to know how you schedule/plan all your homesteading activities. I always feel like I'm 57 steps behind. And there's always something that pops up that needs doing before I can get to my list.

  5. I was wondering what state you live in? I live in Ohio and I'm new to your channel. Thanks

  6. Y'all two are just awesome would love to see y'all live on the YT question on your cabbage plant what's the name of them and what potting soil do u use and the question I have for Q&A what is y'alls favorite meal from drink to dessert blessings

  7. Love watching your videos! Tina is such a beautiful soul, we love seeing her in the videos!! My question would be what is your favorite plant/food to grow and how do you prepare your favorite dish with that item?

  8. Sure sorry your pepper plants took such a hit. Perhaps some can recover. Not too long ago, some channels did a ‘30 Facts About Us’ challenge/collaboration. Might be fun to get some of your favorite channels that haven’t already done one to join you in a new one. My questions to you would be: 1. What do you see down the road for growing your homestead and your future. 2. What is your next big project? 3. Would you ever want a greenhouse on your homestead? In other words, dream a little dream with us.

  9. I’m so glad Tina is starting to come feel more comfortable on camera. I live it when you do videos together. I’d love to see a video of yours and Tina’s story starting at the beginning when you two met.

  10. 😢 I’m so glad you said to be sad for just a second and move on , because this being my fist year I’ve had some losses and many victories … Now I won’t worry, just learn from them !!! Great video !

  11. I love how you said, things happen in the garden and we just have to move on! I love seeing Tina, she is gorgeous and has a lovely soul! Yes I would love a video that lets us know more about you guys! Like what place do u guys dream of visiting ? Has anyone recognized you in your town from being on YouTube? If you could give new gardener advice, what would be the best advice of what NOT to do? …love you guys , big hugs to ya both 🤗

  12. First off, Thank you for your dedicated service to us and this country!!! I understand the physical limitations are very frustrating
    and tell Tina we enjoy seeing both of you!!

  13. Just came by your channel after a shout out by Dutch on his channel! Wanted to ask what these ground cherries are you showed here and what they're good for?🤔

  14. Doesn't driving over the garden with the tractor compact the soil? I've always been told not to even walk on the soil for fear of packing it down

  15. Tina is such a cutie! You guys are so cute together. I love your gardening videos. I have learned so so much. Why do you all used the galvanised metal for the beds? Is there a reason or do you just like the look?

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