Front Yard Garden

The First Time I Drank Pee | The Basement Yard #377

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  1. I will stand with Frank on this one. Ping outside in your own backyard when you had a little bit too much to drink and don't want to wake the family up is the responsible thing to do.

  2. I know a profetional car pisser too . btw lmao i have to start making a list of the things i do simultaneuously to watching your show.#post#me#later messege me for more if you see this . click next . tits on the wall……ON THE WALL!!!!

  3. the whole nipple army pipeline to becoming the pope and then boob plus had me cackling in public. my love for this podcast runs deep.

  4. I love how often people discuss Oedipus and no one knows the story. Watching someone try to guess at the plot is fucking hilarious chaos

  5. The myth is basically there was a prophecy that he would kill his dad and sleep with his mom, nobody wanted that so they sent him away. He ended up coming back not knowing the king and queen were his parents. Killed the king on the road to the city because he was mean to him, married the king's wife, a travelling messenger was like "yo so here's some fkd up shit, those are your parents, you killed your dad, banged your mom, your kids are your siblings idk what you wanna do about it" and then Oedipus went mad and clawed his own eyes out because while the gods could be incestuous because they're the gods, humans generally didn't support banging your own family. Generally. Unless your name is Ptolomy and you take a vacay to Egypt to start a dynasty.

  6. i love Youtube Channel love 🤍This Delete this comments you guys so aweasem i love You Joey make me Smile i love You Guys 🫶🏻🫂

  7. could you please add proper CC to your videos so it's accessible for deaf audiences?? i really struggle to listen to your podcasts as there's no transcript so i try to watch the videos so i can lipread somewhat but it's still really difficult and very tiring to follow along as auto generated captions are not accurate and i spend a lot of effort figuring out what was actually said. please can you make your podcasts accessible so that anyone that needs transcripts/captions aren't excluded. there's already captions on your tiktok videos so i'm confused why the actual podcasts aren't accessible it feels a bit misleading and i felt really disappointed when i found out i couldn't watch your podcasts

  8. I was not expecting the two of them to like Wednesday. This is a common Basement yard W.

  9. Coming from someone from The Maldives (which is mostly sea with small islands) and the experience from the Tsunami of 04', I don't think Frank or Joe can survive a Tidal wave.

  10. Listening to the conversation about wanting their “balls inside” … and “why do men have nipples” … have they ever had a biology class !? 🤣 … all babies start as females before the male “Y” chromosome distinguishes the fetus as male

  11. I got hit by a car going to get my IUD at the gyno
    Didn’t get the IUD doctor got called into delivery but
    I told the girl thank you bc I’m socially awkward

  12. No the TaunTaun looked like those rubber ball toys with the rubber pulls things on the outside.

  13. They were definitely talking about different star wars scenes in the baked potato bit

  14. 7:25 It's because cameras aren't allowed in the courtroom which is why they have a sketch artist to show what happened in the courtroom which is why most cases don't have pictures of what went on inside

  15. The reason they have those paintings for courtrooms is because the court wont allow cameras 😂

  16. There is an animal on Madagascar, it's piss smells just like buttered popcorn. Maybe not it's piss, but it secreets something that smells like buttered popcorn

  17. When Frank was talking about snacks I was convinced he shit in his car

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