Backyard Garden

Jungle backyard rescued! 3 videos in 1! Mowing Tall grass

G’day friends,
This is a super-edit of a popular 3 part series I did earlier in the year. It’s three videos in one! I hadn’t planned on releasing this super-edit just yet, but due to unforeseen family stuff last week, I wasn’t able to get much work done. As such, I didn’t have another video ready, and thought it was as good a time as any to venture back into this jungle with you!

I’ll be back on the tools this coming week, and I plan to tackle that huge backyard you had a glimpse of in last week’s video. Link to that here:

Thanks again for watching, as the client was not charged for this job! It was funded by YouTube advertising revenue, Patreon and the Buy Me a Coffee app!

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  1. Wow! Great job!! You uncovered quite a few 'treasures' with the whipper snipper.
    What are the big plants at the 52:50 mark?
    You can keep those centipedes…..

  2. That's a awesome transformation and that has made a huge impact on peaple that is unable to help themselves keep up the good work

  3. In 2021 I sliced my hand open falling into a fence, 5 stitches. Later in the summer I got spider bit on the same hand. They both left nasty scars. I also got half my life scared out of me finding 2 snakes. Overgrown backyards can be dangerous lol

  4. Que quintal difícil, tem que ser craque para limpar todo este lixo, parabéns você conseguiu!

  5. Você é corajoso mesmo, esse é o pior quintal que eu já vi. Já deixei um like você merece.

  6. I see quite often how people in warmer climes just throw their old furniture etc. into the yard: problem solved. It's amazing!

  7. Здравствуйте, какой ужасный участок-захламленный и заросший, я бы не хотела его убирать, но вы молодец😊

  8. When you were pulling the white cabinet out of the bushes 😅😅😅

  9. Some backyard archeology. One never knows what lurks below the grass. Goes to show just what you can do with a whipper snipper and a lot of patience. Great video as always. Take care of the family, Sean.

  10. Sean using his tools like an artist, while braving spiders, centipedes and the sweltering heat creates a masterpiece!!! Never one to quit he uncovers the original beauty for the homeowner to enjoy!! Great job Sean 👍. You definitely made someone who needed the help happy!! Rock on brother!

  11. Great job as always!!
    Hopefully she will got out and enjoy her backyard once again.

  12. Awesome work Sean. Big transformation. And I was glad to see they were able to get out and do some gardening again.

  13. You are amazing! What a transformation! FYI there are vets and vets family who repurpose the containers for them to grow flowers and or vegetables. Something to feel good about
    and being productive. Thanks for all you do.!

  14. 19:05 Hey Sean any chance of you knowing the name of the bush on the right of the screen with the pink coloured flowers?

  15. another job done sean and done well not only a good worker that does a top job only outdone by your big heart never change sean and more videos please !!!!!!!!! ❤

  16. It would have been a lot easier with a lawn mower and a lot neater looking as well. He is a hard worker though

  17. Blade Mate Lawn Car, svaka cast na radu gospodine. Nadam se da je gospodja zadovoljna sto ste napravili u njenom vrtu ida ce smo i snage da to vidi. 👍

  18. You are so gracious. You don't make judgements on people-like, "How could they let it get this bad?" You just serve, with a loving, caring heart. Bless you!!!

  19. Sorry I'm late. I got called away the first time I started watching, & it's taken me awhile to get back to you.—I didn't see the path to the clothesline! Realizing now that not every clothesline gets one!—Wish I could have been a fly on the wall when the homeowner gets her walk-through!—Love the music, I'm one who wishes you'd hit that music button a bit more often!

  20. Sean, Great job and I know the owner is overjoyed with her yard back. I did notice no paver walk to the clothes pole?? Always have a walkway…I count on you digging it out!!! Keep up the good work for those who need it. Your a Saint!!

  21. I believe that a overgrown yard should be whippy snipped first to find hidden items and not causing damage to your lawn mower. love the work your doing for the community. Thanks Stephen

  22. Sean, will you be making some new videos soon?
    Probably off season in Australia like it is in Texas. Winter is here. Artic freeze coming Christmas Eve. So much for lawn care after that. Hope all is well with you and family. Enjoy your videos. Keep the scammers away from your sight. Janis in Georgetown Texas USA. 👋🏻👍🏻🥇🏆🙏

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