Japanese Garden


I am Drian’s, nice to meet you 🙂

1. Inochi No Namae (instrumental)
2.The Pink Everland Sky- Lady Lane
3.Would You Stay- Mindme
4. Take Off- Light Years
5.Sweden- Minecraft Music


  1. Thanks for loving my video, after i finish all the school work 😀 I will continue to make more new video 😀

  2. Great tutorial, im using it for my Japanese village and it fits in with the rest of my buildings perfectly.

  3. О боже, большое спасибо, я такое очень долго искала

  4. this is beautiful!!!! im going build this in my city 🙂 im trying to make a city where its an infusing of western and eastern cultures. 🙂

  5. uh at 10:52 how are you getting the flower pot on the trap door? i've tried crouching and doing it but that just makes the flower pot hoover about it.

  6. Bro the spirited away music theme got me cry. Also nice tutorial, thank you.

  7. this is really good and could you tell me what shader you got my hot spring kinda looked plain in my normal shader

  8. i know its been 2 years, but may i know what shaders and resource pack that you used on this video? i like the texture,

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