
Gardening tips: Edgeworthia

Northwest Perennial Alliance. Learn about the incredibly fragrant but often hard-to-find edgeworthia shrub. George Lasch shows off an unusually large specimen in the NPA Border at Bellevue Botanical Garden in Bellevue, Washington. George honed his skills at Longwood Gardens, RHS Wisley Gardens in England and the Missouri Botanical Garden before moving to Seattle. He is currently the NPA Border Supervisor.


  1. Newly establishing plants are also vulnerable to cold so selecting a slightly protected spot in the garden is important. They also require good irrigation throughout the summer and fall months when buds begin to form for winter bloom.

  2. This was not much help as far as when to and how to prune an edgeworthia. I have one that is getting a bit to large for the area and need to trim it back some. Any advice would be most welcome.

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