Japanese Garden

I found a stray dog on my way home… But a few days later… [Manga Dub]

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  1. Subarashi Attack on Mika 🙂👍🏼 Ichi works in a toy factory and work so depressed and exhausted and doesn’t and it rains and I saw dogs and Ichi hates dogs and they’re five of them and saw a dog was dirty same as Ichi and allowed him to take care and one of that dog like him and he clean the while taking a bath and had to deal with him and his dog and he steals his his food and his fist smack and his boss was angry at him he burst down in tears and his puppy lick him and he calm down and now he can take care of the dogs now and everyone saw Ichi take care of the dog and he and his dog play together and the week after he saw his dog was missing and contact and the dog name is Kotastu and It belong to Mika and her grandfather and Kotastu bring his bone and he want to be in his life and Mika understand but she said Kotastu was a family member and he said he doesn’t want the yen he learn from Kotastu and change his attitude I’m glad😌so Thanks, Graicas and Arigato🙂👋🏼

  2. i knew this protagonist voice was kinda familiar, the voice comes from smashbits animation

    the voice is in if minecraft story mode was realistic

  3. Well I’m glad that Ichi had got over his fear of dog’s💔🐶 and later after saving a poor lost puppy named Kotetsu🐶 it changed his life🖤 and it looks like Mika has taken an interest to Ichi💙🧡💍.

  4. Animal just want food and shelter still why people alway waste money for stupid thing that doesn't have benefit for animal and they easy say they can do whatever they want

  5. I like to think about his positive change of view about all after meeting Kotetsu. Why is that? Because is Sofie🐶 story too. Great work voice actors.

  6. Can we all agree that kotetsu is a cute furry little Cupid!!

    Seriously tho its nice to see how Kotetsu & ichi save one another!!

  7. If you're wondering what kind of dogs they were, well they're dalmatian, afghan hound, golden retriever, cairn terrier and toy poodle. And the one that Ichi saved is a yorkie

  8. I still remember my dog was following my family cars who goes to hospital near my house because my twin sister & brother got sick, at that time usually he didn't do that because it was a main road with so many cars but that time we doing "nyepi" (Search Google on yourself), he follow them to the hospital and came back home after that, that was first time i have a dog like that and i really like my dog that time, but now he already not here anymore, kinda sad but glad he became part of my daily life

  9. Honestly dogs bring out the best in people to the point sometimes we don't even deserve them but we're lucky to have them in our lives regardless of how short it may be but ichi is lucky to have met kotetsu because he got to meet Mika in return. 🥰

  10. Bro his boss is jerk. Taking care five dogs while his boss is on a trip for a week, nope, it's really hard to take care of them, i hope he got a rised from this

  11. I started watching these yesterday The ones I watched are really amazing keep up the good work

  12. 9:39
    This is true, My sweet girl Luna, for 10 years helped me greatly when it came to my severe depression and anxiety. She helped me open up to others and to understand myself better. I'm in a much better place thanks to her and I miss her constantly. She will always have been my most precious baby girl.

  13. In the MC's shoes I'd probably be just as desperate or in a position wanting to make compromises. Seeing how much that dog did in making his life better, I just couldn't imagine that being taken away from you so quickly. The dog was super cute too, that dog loved him and he loved the dog, they should not be seperated. Seeing the dog just go to the door was super adorable, and all the other moments in fact. Great story

  14. This story is really good but only few likes ,it really bothers me people just watch and dosent appreciate the ones who r making the videos .however i was hoping to see more

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