Container Gardening

Organic Greenhouse Part 2 Container Gardening

In this second part of three segments featuring the SpringHouse portable greenhouse by, we learn how to do container planting! First we visit our local Farmer’s Market to meet up with Steve Rehn of to get some organic plantings and to learn how to transplant them for growing in our portable greenhouse. Then we take what we learned and using earth-friendly pots, we transplant the organic veggies, herbs and edible flowers into their new home!


  1. In southern california if I were to have one of those greenhouses in the back yard, would I be able to grow during the winter? Plus are those herbs able to be grown all year long in that greenhouse? Thank You!

  2. Thanx to hippygourmet i learned two new things, the difference between a wider opened pot that some plants prefer and to break up the roots,….before i thought if i touched the roots they would shrivel and die, therefore the plant would die, now i know better! = ) *****

  3. I live here on the central plateau in mexico, at a high altitud of 6600 feet,temperatures dip at 61°F during the night and rise to 70 or 72°F during the day, therefore there is a chance of frost,….so a greenhouse would definitely come much in handy,…thanx again ya all! = )

  4. Yes toe that, + the BIG, "commercial farmers" are doing things like trying to get Bill #510 passed. This will put the small farmer(s) and sustanence survivers like me "out-of-business"?

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