Japanese Garden

How Do I get Rid of Japanese Beetles & More Gardening Q&A

John from http://www.growingyourgreens.com/ answers your organic gardening questions including Can I spray Pumpkins with neem oil? how to get rid of slugs, what is the best water for your garden?
Do I need to change out the soil in a raised bed garden?
Will peppers grow in the basement? How plants can grow in the winter with less light and much more…

John will answer the following questions at the following times:
01:52 How to Contact Me to Ask me Questions Personally
02:35 Have you considered making shorter videoes?
05:53 Support Me By Purchasing a GYG Tee Shirt
06:20 Do you do crop rotation at your home raised bed garden?
07:48 Can I borrow $20?
08:30 Are growing onions and garlic in beds with worms a bad thing?
10:42 Can I spray my Seminole pumpkins with Neel Oil, will it hurt it?
12:33 How can I Get rid of Japanese Beetles?
14:23 If I’m growing in a Raised Bed Do I need to change out the soil?
16:17 How do you deal with slugs?
17:40 How can I have more consistent harvests from my garden?
19:17 Is RO Water the most optimal for my garden or is City Water?
21:20 Will Peppers grow in my basement indoors?
23:04 What are the cheapest LED Lights you recommend?
24:00 Is Good Neem oil the Solution to 90% of gardeners problems?
25:15 Have you grown passion vines in your garden?
26:20 Do you have a twin that helps you make videos?
27:04 Ever consider grafting your pepper plants?
28:00 Have you ever drank a green smoothie with a hot pepper?
29:30 How can you grow plants in the winter with less light?
31:00 How do I safely prune my plants to make them bush out?
32:32 What is your opinions on leachate from vermicompost?
34:00 Should I leave my plants in the ground over the winter?
36:06 Why are you becoming so negative?

After watching this episode, you will learn John’s answers to these questions, and probably learn a few things along the way as well.

Referenced Episodes
End Pest Problems Forever (Neem and Dr. Bronners)

The episode with Dr. Joel Fuhrman (Japanese Beetle Traps)

How I top off my raised bed garden every year

Picking off Snails at Midnight

Video with Ocean Solution Trace Minerals

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Referenced Links:
Help John to close caption his videos and get your questions answered about your garden with the link below:

Buy a Growing Your Greens Tee Shirt

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Buy John’s Healthy Recipe Book

Post Questions for John to Answer in his Next Q&A


  1. John will answer the following questions at the following times:
    01:52 How to Contact Me to Ask me Questions Personally
    02:35 Have you considered making shorter videoes?
    05:53 Support Me By Purchasing a GYG Tee Shirt
    06:20 Do you do crop rotation at your home raised bed garden?
    07:48 Can I borrow $20?
    08:30 Are growing onions and garlic in beds with worms a bad thing?
    10:42 Can I spray my Seminole pumpkins with Neel Oil, will it hurt it?
    12:33 How can I Get rid of Japanese Beetles?
    14:23 If I'm growing in a Raised Bed Do I need to change out the soil?
    16:17 How do you deal with slugs?
    17:40 How can I have more consistent harvests from my garden?
    19:17 Is RO Water the most optimal for my garden or is City Water?
    21:20 Will Peppers grow in my basement indoors?
    23:04 What are the cheapest LED Lights you recommend?
    24:00 Is Good Neem oil the Solution to 90% of gardeners problems?
    25:15 Have you grown passion vines in your garden?
    26:20 Do you have a twin that helps you make videos?
    27:04 Ever consider grafting your pepper plants?
    28:00 Have you ever drank a green smoothie with a hot pepper?
    29:30 How can you grow plants in the winter with less light?
    31:00 How do I safely prune my plants to make them bush out?
    32:32 What is your opinions on leachate from vermicompost?
    34:00 Should I leave my plants in the ground over the winter?
    36:06 Why are you becoming so negative?

  2. I have learned more about growing food here in Hawaii from you, than from anyone else. I don't care about the titles, I just watch them all. Your video styles have changed over the years, and thats good, because you have changed and grown and learned new things. Thanks so much for all you do for the gardening community. I'd never have even started gardening without all your great growing advice. Much love from the Big Island.

  3. Very sorry to hear about the loss. I'm certain you added much positivity to her life, which is a very good thing.
    Thanks again for all of your heartfelt wonderful videos.

  4. There is no natural predator for Japanese beetles in the U.S. There is something in Japan from what I've read. If someone would import that predator or predators they'd make millions

  5. I've only discovered/watching you this year, but you've changed my whole life. thank you.. life is tough, just remember that you're saving many lives with what you do John! πŸƒπŸ§™πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ

  6. I must say that you do a great job John. Keep it up. For a future Q&A I would like to know now many people have to follow you around and keep up for the whirlwind that you are. I loved seeing salad just flying across the show floor a the heirloom show, and all the seeds filling bags at the heirloom seed factory, or when you were let loose in the greenhouses seemly by yourself. Those are the things that show your sincerity. We are all adults, and you just keeping putting it out there and we will all make our own decisions about what works in our life. Net-net the world will be a better place for any way which we change our own practices. On a funny note, your comment about ducks and slugs reminded me of this little line on Curtis' channel: "You don't have too many slugs, just not enough ducks" https://youtu.be/iPcIqmsA7aY?t=110 Peace.

  7. Thank you for being you! Thank you for posting your videos on YOUTUBE. You are making a change and I want to thank you for being so inspirational. Keep it up John!πŸ˜‰

  8. Long videos are THE BEST…Keep doing what you are doing John. You work is amazing and full of knowledge.
    God bless you

  9. John, I like all your videos and watch them to the end. Just keep doing what you are doing. I get excited when I see a new video from you. I am deeply sorry for your loss. I am not so much a people person and have 7 rescue doggies. I have lost my eighth…Honey a month ago and it hurts a great deal.

  10. Ignore the haters dude. You have your own experience and knowledge and share it openly with wonderful intentions of improving the world. KUDOS ON YOU! I enjoy your long form videos. Too many short attention spans out there nowadays.

  11. Thanks for your super info videos. You mentioned 4 inch lights from Costco. Did you mean 4 foot lights? are you talking about tube lights?

  12. Been watching for 8 years and I've always watched for the thorough explanations! Keep it up John!

  13. Thank you John. I love your videos. You changed my life. I will be continually watching you and supporting you as long as you are who you are.

  14. your videos are informative. your girlfriend died from a head-on collision? how sad. do whatever it takes to get your videos seen. there will always be haters out there.

  15. I was a wasteful dip 2 YEARS AGO.
    Now I compost and recycle 99.9% now, even my grey water..
    Thanks John !!!!

  16. Thanks for sharing your journey.. Really enjoy seeing your enthusiasm for gardening and really love that you're courageous enough to be honest about things you don't agree with. Cheers

  17. Hi John, We love your videos. Keep doing what you are doing. We learn a lot and appreciate how open and down to earth you are. <3

  18. Hello from the Pacific North West! Great video, full of useful tips! I will work towards a successful compost on my property as soon as I can build to to keep bears out! Hopefully this winter!

  19. John different opinions on different topics whether its gardens, politics or whatever builds knowledge and ideas. Since watching you and your channel I have a bigger better garden and NOW I compost on site in the backyard. I apply compost teas everywhere. Before I didn't even know what compost tea was or rock dust for that matter. Just a note I had 24 Roma tomato plants and produce over 1000 tomatos because of your knowledge. I will never put my leaves to the curb again or grass clippings. I vermicompost too. Enough this to long. Keep up the good work. Davola65

  20. Hi John love the videos long-time watcher have a quick question about worms silkworms or whatever they are I actually am a medical cannabis user and paralyzed from my ribs down I tried doing some growing this year and almost every tip of my flower for my cannabis had this webbing in it it wasn't spider mites but it was more of like a silkworm. What can I do or use.

  21. John – so sorry the loss of your girlfriend. Big hugs to you. Be encouraged and keep doing what you are doing because you are encouraging LIFE! You are making a HUGE impact. You and your work are so valuable. Much love from Las Vegas.

  22. I have watched you for years.Even when I was not living where I could grow more then a couple pots. Thank you so much for sharing all your knowledge. You have made change in this world. Sorry to hear about your loss.

  23. When I wanted to learn to garden in central Texas I searched for YouTube videos and found you. I have not always adhered to everything that you say but I wanted to get started on a budget and I always remember what you would say, just get started, know the story of your food. Your videos have so much information and have helped so many that we need to learn to listen and sift out what is useful and good for us and to file the other stuff. Thank you because I am learning, for my health, to concentrate on positive more than negative. I am positive that because of discovering your channel I and my family are better off!!

  24. Was just reading about Rue and a reviewer said this β€œI grew these a few years ago to help keep the flies down for my goats. the goats are gone but the rue remains and are growing by my mail box. this works out well because they stay green year round and I have a hard time getting anything besides weeds to grow in that poor dry soil once the summer dry spell starts. the rue stays green and puts out a thick layer of bright yellow flowers on new growth that the local butterflies seem to love even in the driest summers. stray sprouts seem to take transplanting well in early spring when it is still wet. it is recommended to deter Japanese beetles so I often cut it and lay it in the garden paths so they are crushed when I walk on them, it seems to help.”

  25. Hey John! Wow, thanks for the shoutout! We might agree on a whole lot more than you probably think πŸ˜‰ come onto our channel sometime we would love to get you on sometime for an interview.

  26. We like long videos. If they don't have the attention span to listen to longer videos, watch another channel. Who are they to tell you how to run your channel?

  27. πŸ™‹πŸ½β€β™‚οΈ I would still eat it. I would rather raise and butcher the animals myself, but my zone doesn't allow livestock.

  28. John you are an incredible person, thank you so much for the videos you make and the time you take out of your busy schedule to make the world a brighter greener place!

  29. When I had a big backyard garden while living in Costa Mesa Ca, my chickens loved huge big green beetles that we called Japanese beetleslus the big grubs I harvested from my compost pile. A couple of cheap Badminton rackets from the swap meet made sporting fun out of the flying beetles.

  30. Thank you for being you. I love the length of your videos. I'm curious how someone could be a gardener and not be patient. I love learning from you…..

  31. πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’— you’re a beautiful soul. Thanks for your honesty and vulnerability, love your content and how you keep it real and show the good and bad! We need more of that on social media 😊

  32. Hey John. It's 2021 and I am just seeing this. I watched to the end. Hope you are doing well.
    You post what is right for you and not for the haters.

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