Vegetable Gardening

Fall Vegetable Gardening Planting Strategies: Microclimates in the garden

Fall is right around the corner! In this video, The owner of Thrive and Grow Gardens, Michael Ismail, discusses planting strategies you can use in your garden. Even in a small garden, there are micro-climates which are areas within a broader area where conditions vary. The conditions in an area of the garden can be, for example, hotter and sunnier, or cooler and shadier than the average. By observing the conditions throughout your garden, you can use the information you gather to plant in ways that will benefit your plants and maximize their productivity.

Here in Tucson at the end of August and into September, it can still be pretty hot, with highs hitting 100 degrees. However, there are still opportunities to begin integrating fall varieties into your garden.

I find it to be an incredibly joyous part of the gardening experience, making decisions based on what you see happening in your garden and then witnessing what happens next. What opportunities are there in your garden that you might not have noticed before? Are you taking into consideration sun exposure when you plant? I’d love to hear from you, tell me some decisions that you made in your garden and what you learned from them!

Cloche baskets link for plant protection:

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1 Comment

  1. Am new to planting want fruit trees and veggies but unsure how or where to start. I have been looking at videos and trying to educate myself, what do you recommend I start with?

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