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Post Hole Diggers Or Tractor Auger? Building A Predator Proof Chicken Coop, Dry Packing Concrete.

Post Hole Diggers Or Tractor Auger? Building A Predator Proof Chicken Coop, Dry Packing Concrete.
We have plenty of predators on the new farm in Mississippi and we want to make sure we are protecting our flock of chickens. The idea is to build a chicken coop inside of a run that is as close to predator proof as we can make it. We are calling it Fort Flocks and the build has begun! This is the second day of working on it and we have abandoned the manual post hole diggers and attached a PTO driven auger to the tractor, this is a game changer. We also switched to dry packing the posts as the rain coming tonight should set those posts.
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  1. Syd, I think people get upset when your not there is because even though Mike and Frankie are good your the comic relief. You make us laugh the most. Good job to all of you including the neighbors on another great video.

  2. If you are going to use wood post on your fence projects maybe you're friend could let you use it then too or get you're own.
    I think Frankie will be all for it lol.

  3. Mike / Sid y’all got yourselves one bonified country girl in Frankie, you guys should definitely be proud. You are doing a great job raising that young lady. Never miss your content and enjoy y’all’s banter

  4. Watching Mike grab that PTO driven shaft shocked me. Be careful, all. Nice to see the progress on this video.

  5. I like it when Frankie drives the tractor. She is slow and careful, and doesn’t break things 😅.

  6. Makes me cringe watching Mike around any moving equipment. It's one thing teaching your kids to do things but knowing Mike is accident prone,,,,,,I don't know.

  7. So wonderful Frankie is learning to maneuver the tractor! Digging post holes is so much easier with a tractor attachment! Imagine how long it would have taken by hand!

  8. Biggest rock I ever seen dug up was by a 92 year old man he dug almost 3 hours and escavated a granite Boulder 6X8x8 ft weighed over 20 tons lol old Joe was a beast

  9. I'll bet Frankie was doing handstands to see that operation going on! I think one of the best things you did was move to Mississippi because you're turning Frankie into one heck of a can do young lady!

  10. Mike , just a word of advise , Never ever Touch the Auger ever , if the PTO was accidentally turned on you would
    be dead , specially with gloves on , it would grab you , and break you in hafe , I had a friend do that , it grabbed
    his hand and twisted him around before they could shut it off, Broke his Spine , he is not Paralyzed for life.

  11. Regarding the PTO, a lot of farmers when they get a new hoodie, will immediately cut off the strings on the hood. If that string gets caught while you are bending over a running PTO it can pull you into it before you can react. Tractors are great tool, but you need to learn about the dangers.

  12. Please stay away from that auger and shaft. Just don’t even touch them if the tractor is running. It only takes a second for you to slip or the operator to accidentally turn the pto on.

    If you want to add some weight put a pipe on that thing somewhere to keep you far away from anything that could rip your arms off.

  13. Great work. Using the tractor made it much easier. Can't get over how well Frankie works. Most kids now a days would have been in the house playing video games instead of outside helping.

  14. Frankie is learning so many life learning lessons, yet your still just the beginning. Great job Mike and Syd

  15. Great job teaching the kiddo, she will have that knowledge for life, love your channel, God bless and have a blessed Christmas.

  16. A horrible accident just waiting to happen!!! Violates all safety protocols! Never Ever grab the auger! So dangerous and you don’t even know it!

  17. Frankie needs to get signed up with FFA. She is definitely going to be a skilled farm manager!

  18. Having your Daughter Frankie drive the tractor is EXCELLENT. Many friends have also commented about life lessons. So true.
    Then, she will teach her children, and so on.
    I have tried to do the same thing for many years. But, my tractor is GREEN. HAHAHAHAHAHA.
    Nice !

  19. Ausom work with you two working together we could have a different world if more parents made time. And I'm guilty to. Ausom!

  20. Any time I see people working any where near a power takeoff shaft, I cringe big time, because of how many people have gotten wrapped up in one & killed in the past. My late grandpa found his neighbor wrapped up in one, the body almost unrecognizable, twisted around that shaft. 😬
    All it takes is a split second of any article of clothing getting grabbed, & thump💥
    A lot of power & torque the body is no match for. 😔

  21. Man ryan looks just like his dad out there helping yall! His dad was always there to help in this community and was just a great guy that you never failed to see him without a smile on his face! Apple dont fall very far from the tree!

  22. Please watch this video Shake Hands with Danger. Watching you using that post hole digger was a demonsration of how not to be safe. Back when I was younger and worked for an Ag Implement company I learned how dangerous PTO's and rotating equipment can be. Thank you and be safe.

  23. I think it’s awesome how you are teaching Franky how to do all the stuff around the ranch,and how eager and fast she picks things up 👍

  24. Great job. Everything is looking good. It’s definitely easier to dig holes with a tractor than by hand. lol. Cool video. ❤️👍

  25. could not believe how haphazardly you guys used the auger. your lucky one of you wasn't injured or killed. i hope your daughter is more responsable than you.

  26. Hope weather storm Wednesday came in at dark night to early early morning. Notice all bad weather going be dark early in the morning before day light

  27. Pto digger needs steel pipe help keep straight help push down as digs So keep hands arms away pto shaft

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