Garden Plans

Vivi's Kitchen Garden: December Garden Tour (and a harvest).

Gosh, time flies! It feels like yesterday when I was whizzing through the garden jobs in October………November disappeared under a continual rain cloud……and here we are at the beginning of December with a couple of jobs outstanding…….but it looks like they, too, will have to wait because we suddenly got unseasonably cold. The cold scuppers some of my harvesting plans……but makes one of the harvests come into their own. Time to get the fork out.

Living without a wage……living off the land and making do & mending. Click subscribe to follow my journey.

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  1. Hi Vivi. Your garden is glistening with winter beauty. What is the name of that bean you are always talking about. I am interesting in researching whether it will grow in my zone. I have been spending the last several days planning my garden space.

  2. Don't worry about the potatoes. As long as your soil doesn't freeze solid, they'll be fine. I just dug the last of my carrots, and had to move snow off them. The ground under the snow and mulch wasn't frozen and they came up nicely.

  3. Hi vivi the frost is beautiful ive taken photos of spiders 🕷 webs with the frost all over them they are stunning lv all your videos keep warm lv Irene 😘 xx

  4. Ahh, thank you for sharing Vivi. Yes frosty frosty!! Glad to see you're all wrapped up around the neck 😊. I make all my own soup too – not tried parsnip though. Will give that one a go – have you tried putting some of the green leaves in with the veg. I usually do with brocolli and carrots. Gosh Vivi, it's really very cold isn't it. Lived in colder climates than this and got by…….. You take good care and keep warm. 💚

  5. Hi Vivi everything is looking magical in the frost 😀 I wouldn’t worry about the broad beans , my plot neighbour last year had her beans turn to mush over the winter and they came back with beautiful strong growth in the spring so trust in the process and don’t be tempted to pull them out if they die back 🥰

  6. thanks to your last video Viv, I've covered my young broad bean plants up, hopefully they'll survive the frost. It's around minus 5 give or take here 😏

  7. My broad beans did fine even with snow on them last year! Stay well, dear Vivi!

  8. Dear Vivi, I love how excited you get about everything in your garden whether things survive or not. The frost is actually quite beautiful xxx

  9. The frost is so pretty Vivi, we have had heavy frost here too, very unusual down here for this time of year, snow forecast for tonight.

  10. Frozen nasturtiums make great mulch! I plant the garlic 4 inches deep because we get freeze thaw cycles and anything planted shallow would pop out of the ground and die.

    Your cardboard constructions are impressive. Enjoy the parsnips.

    Yay! Lateral flow test came up negative this afternoon so officially I can go back to work tomorrow! It's been super stressful seeing as how I'm quitting at the end of the month and there's a lot of work to finish. I feel great. Elated. But what a crappy time to get Covid.
    Couldn't have been worse timing. "Keep Calm, Carry On".

    Over here there'd be no December garden tour. Maybe if we don't get minus 20C the kale will flower next year. Two years ago we had a relatively warm winter and the Russian kale grew into a massive bush of flowers. 2022: nothing survived the minus 27C we got in January. Would be nice though if the kale would survive. It is so dramatic when it flowers.

  11. Hi vivi,your parsnips looked great,a little bit skinny but I bet they tasted good,love to see that your still harvesting this time of year ❤

  12. The frozen quince jelly will be ok…I often freeze jam…just take the lid off and set on the counter to thaw at room temp.

  13. I just wanted to tell you my trick for staying warm while sitting an sewing or knitting, I keep a electric heating pad on my lower legs. I'd recommend a electric blanket then you could use it while sleeping too. They use very small amounts of electricity I think.

  14. Nature is truly beautiful. Thank you for sharing that frosty wonderland.

  15. Hiya Vivi, appreciated your time today, I’m sure it was chilly for you. Enjoy your soup sounds very warming will take a peek at it. Take care on walking around the icy stuff. We are due some nasty snow on Thursday soo out with shovels again & it’s only the beginning of a long winter whahh not a fan lol Blessings luv southern Ontario Canada Thankyou 🐝🇨🇦

  16. Hi Vivi,. I wonder if putting some sugar in the insect water would lower the freezing temperature?

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