Container Gardening

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Want to start an indoor grow system?

To start an indoor vegetable growing system, you will need the following items:

Seeds or seedlings of the vegetables you want to grow.
1. A container or containers to grow the vegetables in. These can be store-bought pots or containers, or you can repurpose other containers such as plastic bottles or boxes. The container should be large enough to accommodate the full-grown size of the plants.

2. Potting soil or other growing medium.

3. A source of light for the plants. This can be natural sunlight coming in through a window, or you can use grow lights.

4. Water.

To start growing your vegetables, follow these steps:

1. Fill the containers with potting soil and make sure the soil is moist.

2. Plant the seeds or seedlings according to the instructions on the seed packet or the plant label.

3. Place the containers in a location where they will receive enough light. If you are using grow lights, make sure they are set up properly and providing enough light for the plants.

4 .Water the plants regularly, making sure the soil stays moist but not waterlogged.

5. Monitor the plants and provide any additional care they need, such as pruning or fertilizing, according to the specific needs of the plants you are growing.

6. With proper care and attention, your indoor vegetable growing system should produce healthy plants and delicious vegetables.

Here is a link to 30 different heirloom seeds you can grow for under 30$:

Survival Garden Seeds Home Garden Vegetable, Fruit & Herb Seed Bank Kit – 30 Pack

If you are in need of heirloom or rare seeds check out Baker Creek at their website below:

They are heirloom seeds which means they are non-gmo or hybrid and can be regrown. ie seedless watermelons (if there are no seeds, how can I grow it again?/ buy more seeds???)

Water, Fertilize and then watch your new babies grow.

Urban Gardening with Gray focuses on smart cost effective gardening that is sustainable and easy to maintain. Let’s grow together in our urban garden, Subscribe and join the #urbangardeningwithgray family!

Enjoy life, enjoy family, enjoy your garden!

#organic #sustainableliving #diygarden #ladybug #freshvegetables #freefood #growwhatyoueat #growyourownfood #garden #vegetables #healthylifestyle #savemoney #urbangardening #facts

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