Container Gardening

This Little Secret Can Save You A TON of Time and Energy When Decorating Your House

#trick #houseplants #decoratingwithplants #shelves #sun #yellowleaves
Decorating with House Plants to Match Your Décor Style #plantshelf #indoorplants #plantparent
Mid-Century Modern
Mid-century modern interior design is ubiquitous, and for good reason. #jungle #diningroomdecor Its simple concepts, open spacing, and emphasis on natural elements make it one of the premier interior design styles for homeowners and design experts alike. A Split-Leaf Philodendron, or “Swiss cheese plant,” is ideally suited for these interior spaces, and its signature leaf holes make it a visual focal point. Swiss cheese plants will thrive in open spaces with access to natural light, climbing toward the ceiling as space allows. For the same reasons, Fiddle-Leaf Figs feel at home in a mid-century modern aesthetic.plants yellow leavesgreen thumbamazingideasvirallow maintenancegrow lightbig box storeshome depotWalmartZZ plantmonsteraphilodendronplants parentssiaunstablesongindoor plantsgardeninglowestool deals

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