Gardening Supplies


Have you ever wondered how your food was grown? Our family farms 80 acres of vegetables in the USA and would be happy to show you!

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We farm over 400 acres here in north east Pennsylvania, but 80 of those acres are strictly vegetables. Come take a look and see how our family works together to bring in the harvest!
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#harvest #vegetables #gardening


  1. Do you consider growing the same varieties as previous years? I was very intrigued and impressed with the cauliflower, broccoli and cabbage that you grew! Would you happen to remember the names? I'm in Canada and I believe they would grow well here.

  2. Andrew, I work in interventional radiology. Not a doctor, but your left arm pain and upper back pain could be a sign of other things too. Absent any trauma or strain obviously, has the left arm pain been an issue before? The back pain? Any family history of cardiac or aneurysm anomalies? Is your blood pressure the same on both arms? Stabbing pain intermittently? Don’t get tunnel vision. World Cup reporter, and his wife was a doctor.

  3. A new sales idea, water cress (also called peppergrass) for your farm market – something that you can easily grow in your greenhouse in a matter of 10-14 days and try selling in your market. Every supermarket in Denmark retails it all year around. How to grow it? In flat foam or plastic trays (about 6"x4"x 1/2" deep), on cotton batts (about 4" wide & 1/2" thick when fluffy – usually available in drug stores or from their wholesaler). You place the cotton in the tray, wet the cotton (which flattens to 1/4" thick when wet), and generously drizzle the seeds onto the cotton (to about 1/8" spacing). Water the array of trays daily until the the seeds have sprouted, and grown to about 1" height (with just the the first leaf pair). Danes use it as a fresh and tasty topping on their sandwiches or in salads (versus the N. Am. preference for bean and other types of sprouts). They cut the cress with scissors (while tray is tilted) as they drizzle it on a sandwich or into a salad. No grit to worry about when grown on cotton. It's also used in gravies (like dill and parsley leaves). At least pilot grow and taste it with your family and friends before trying it for commercial sale. Cheers from a former Dane (1950-1974), now living in Calgary and growing my own water cress at my south-facing garage window every spring and summer.

  4. Thank you veggie boys from the island of st paul malta likes your videos and looking forward in the new world living that kind of life blessing

  5. Andrew have you had your blood pressure checked recently? Sounds like your having angina, don't mean to scare you but take the time for yourself.

  6. I remember last year y’all were picking out seeds from the catalogs, I can’t believe it’s that time again!

  7. I would like to know how you grow your bell peppers plants so big and such a great crop , especially with that lousy soil you got there. Greetings from Australia

  8. Gee you would have thought you would have spotted the deer herd you had eating all those beets earlier in the year and same with the corn field. Oh well, guess the deer know it's hunting season. Glad you are getting a lot done at the farm. Hope your mower gets the bearing fixed soon. Nah Andrew you got lots of exercise when on the hunt.

  9. Have you tried Honeyboat Squash? It is great. It stores well too, I am currently eating my way through it.
    Growing your own food is a lot of work. I do not believe you will be out of a job growing veg any time soon.
    I am a terrible seedaholic. I just love looking at seed sites. I do not use catalogues nowadays, I do it all online.
    I love trying out something new. But if I have a failure, I know that I can nip down to the supermarket for anything I need. So I am very appreciative of all the work that the real farmers put in. I am hopeless at producing brassica seedlings.

  10. I used to be a singer operator at The cannery and so when you're by your machine you know that when something's going wrong our King is coming soon his name is Jesus Northern California

  11. I used to be a singer operator at The cannery and so when you're by your machine you know that when something's going wrong our King is coming soon his name is Jesus Northern California

  12. I used to have a tiny garden area. I'd cover it with an old boat tarp. I cut x's in the tarp and planted tomatoes and Cucumbers in the x's. They both seemed to love the consistent moisture. Yours would probably love the Mulch covering, especially if there's another drought

  13. Love your videos! Would love to hear more about your soil management strategies on the farm. Great soil must be the foundation of everything you do.

  14. I'm way smaller scale, but have planted bushbeans in mid late March with black poly and it always works in 8a zone, and arrive same time as peas, i use provider and french fillet. Going to try in hydroponic gutters in greenhouses this year to hopefully get beans by april..
    Maybe try the corn biofilm planter with beans to get an early yield

  15. that little one is just the cutest baby ever….lol….never miss a video, always funny and educational…

  16. Holmes Seed Catalog is another catalog that supplies farmers. I have ordered from that one for years, beside Johnny's and Ivy Garth.

  17. Andrew, Your original question of "How is your food grown"? is a good premise for a YouTube or other media channel.
    Please refine your scripts, i.e., planting/harvesting field vegetables, repairing farm machinery, setting your farm market store, feeding animals, etc,

    Your script needs direction and refinement.

  18. So what is a good paste/canning tomato and good sandwich tomato for 20170? I have tried ones as plants that are sold in area. But I don't seem to get even enough just for seasonal eating. What do you suggest?

  19. My husband and I enjoy watching you all! Not to mention, seems like we're able to watch Callie grow up. My husband said this morning, "uh oh, Callie is talking more and more." LOL She is just TOO cute! Also, because my husband is into experimenting with growing veggies, where did you order those magazines from? I tried to look it up online but didn't have any luck at finding them. I would love to get him a subscription for Christmas. Thank you!

  20. Do they have Jersey Devil tomatoes in your catalogs? I grew them a couple years ago producing big and meaty fruit. I am having trouble finding the seeds lately.

  21. Andrew, you should visit a Doctor. Unless you injured yourself, pain in the left side as well as the back could be heart related. Better be safe than sorry!

  22. Always love your videos and you along with your whole family.
    Thank you so very much for the videos.
    Merry Christmas
    God blrss you all

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