Container Gardening

Simple easy self watering bucket garden

Simple way to self water your plants in your bucket garden. See how easy it is to do this at home and have a small footprint in your garden. Let us know how we are doing by commenting below.

Music by
Artist: Assaf Ayalon
Song: Words

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EcoFarmstead™ 2022 © Produced by LectricTraveler™ Productions, LLC ®

We are local to Liberty Hill, Texas

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  1. I really like this video of using the gallon jug in the bucket to hold water to water the garden soil, and up to the roots of the plant, this idea probably will help with water usage, not to waist water but to concentrate to each plant on the bucket and no where uou don't want the water to go else were if that male sence. Lol basically saving money on your water bill, and helping you plants grow better and with the fertilizer down where the roots will end up reaching, very ingenious I think 😃 😊 😀

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