
How to save your own marigold seeds | Diary of a Yorkshire Gardener

Save your marigold seeds so you don’t need to buy new ones next season 💛⁣⁣
I have absolutely loved my marigolds this year!! They’re easy to grow, low maintenance, reliable, cheerful and bright.⁣⁣
Perhaps an unpopular opinion but I actually really like the smell of them too 😂⁣⁣
Something to remember when saving your seeds.. If your marigolds are hybrid varieties, their seeds are likely to produce plants that don’t resemble the plant you harvested the seeds from. In my eyes that’s not a bad thing! I like a bit of unpredictable variation in my garden. If you want seeds that grow identical to the parent plant, choose heirloom/open-pollinated marigolds.⁣⁣
Do you save your flower seeds? If so, which are your favourite to save?⁣⁣


Welcome to Diary of a Yorkshire Gardener, I’m Francesca and I would love for you to follow my gardening journey by SUBSCRIBING to my channel! 🥰

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Happy Growing!

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