Gardening Supplies

Tips For Gardening With Littles

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Kip, Carrie, and Children

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  1. My garden is so much better since I made space to just sit. Sometimes that’s what I need to do. Thank you for sharing your beautiful family with us. I love you all. You are truly a reflection of what our Father wants us to be on this earth. ❤️

  2. Thank you very much for making this video. I have two children, a three year old boy and a 14 months old girl. They fallow me around EVERYWHERE. 🙂 Even though it is hard to do farm work with little kids being around, a believe that it is a big blessing that shouldn't be taken for granted. Lots of love and blessings from a village in Serbia. 🌻👩‍🌾🙏🙌👶🧒

  3. We have asand box right next to the garden and the Littles play in there a lot. They repla t all the weeds in there😂

  4. Just the advice I needed to hear as I head into the gardening season with only littles under my wing ❤️ thank you! Now to see how to garden with an infant in tow! Lol!

  5. Seeing Ester pies peonys made me laugh out loud. I have flower beds and I put vegetables in big flower garden pots. Just a couple days ago I let my grands conner and melissa help me clean out my biggest flower bed, rake out leaves,rearranging the bed decorations, and plant flowers with me. I have a wonderful memory now for years to come because I'm guessing melissa miss heard what I said. She asked me when we were gonna plant the pianos . I said what did you say she repeated it. I guess my hill billy accent and way of speaking threw her off. You say p o knees. And I say pee oh knees. But what she heard was pianos. Anyway good job momma thanks for always making awesome content. Now I have a wonderfully funny memory for years to come. And congratulations on such good, caring, loving children. You cant go wrong teaching them responsibility. Always pray for blessings for you and yours. And love to hear the little one say and what ever you do , do it with your whole heart.

  6. Your kids are so beautiful! You are so blessed to have this amazing homestead and family! Good job!

  7. This was a tip on another vlog about strawberry plants ! I don’t know if it works but maybe worth a try! Paint some rocks Rex an put in with the plants when starting them an the birds come a peck at the rocks thinking they are strawberries so when the berries do ripen they leave them alone thinking they are hard! Just an idea!

  8. The garden design is lovely. The children are so lovely and I agree it is ok to say no sometimes. Didn't our creator Jehovah say no when he warned Adam and Eve not to eat from the tree in the garden of Eden that belonged to him. He gave them plenty to enjoy. We see the results of them not listening even down to this day. Our children benefit themselves from learning obedience from a very young age. Of course it should always be done with loving kindness. I really enjoyed this video .Thank you

  9. Shalom carrie. May i ask how you deal with your children when they’re having tantrums? Always enjoy seeing your children being good and loving one another. Thank you for sharing your lives.

  10. Thanks Carrie, I’m about to start my first major garden plot. Just bought 2 acres in Idaho and looking forward to getting my hands dirty. I’ll definitely allow my kiddos to have a spot to dig in too! What a great idea.
    I can’t wait to map it out. It makes me giddy just thinking about it.
    I wanted to ask an off-topic question. How do you do laundry?

  11. Great Vlog , just came across your channels by accident they came up in my news feed ( binge watching as we speak ) can I ask a question please ,if you are trying to live of grid why did you decide to become youtubers ?

  12. They all have such beautiful little gardens. It's heartening to see that the children are learning to make their own decisions at such an early age. I just love your family. God bless you all.

  13. You and so many other homesteading, homeschooling mamas of large families, bless me so very much with your examples of honest, upright work ethic, faith and love. The garden is about food-food to nourish bodies, but also food to nourish souls.
    Makes me miss having children at home, now that I’m alone mostly. But I take comfort in watching all the families working, playing and loving together…
    God bless you and your family.

  14. Just realized how long I’ve been watching your videos, since before Biddle was born! That’s a long time. Blessings to all of you❤️

  15. Hello All, catching up on all the vlogs , saw the one about Carrie's Headscarves , can I ask Kip a question if it's not to personal, is the beard something to do with your religion or just personal preference take care and stay safe x

  16. My husband and I built a big sandbox in the garden when our kids were small, along with a big pile of dirt they could play cars and trucks in. They are grown now and I sure do miss those days. Enjoy!

  17. These tips were helpful. We've adopted a 6 yr old from foster care and on top of her personal struggles, I'm trying to help her find joy in nature. My garden is my place of joy and peace and I hope for her to feel that way too someday.

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