Backyard Garden

My Backyard Garden

In this video I show an update of this year’s garden in my backyard. I show all my garden plants including artichokes, tomatoes, peppers, blueberries, tomatoes, cucumbers, raspberries, dwarf peach tree, dwarf nectarine tree, orange tree, lemon tree, favor beans, strawberries, fig tree, mango tree, navel orange tree, onions, parsley and more. My avocado tree I planted from seed is finally getting a lot of avocados.


  1. Oh man! Oranges, lemons, mangos, avocados in garden? Great! For me thats all "exotic" fruits you can get only in market! lol We have here apples, pears, cherry, plumbs, peaches… 🙂

  2. I just planted some asparagus seeds. I'll see how they do and I'll post a video if the grow successfully. Artichokes are super easy to grow. After they are done flowering you just chop them to the ground and they will grow back every year in early spring. I had that big one coming back every year for many years. I'm hoping to get 10 or 11 big ones coming up on their own next year from the new ones I planted.

  3. Your avocado trees look amazing. I tried to grow one from seed several years ago. I had to bring it inside during winter due to living in Michigan. It ended up getting a couple feet tall in a very large pot, however, at cat I had at the time ended up killing it by turning the pot into a litter box. :/

  4. Thanks, yea it took awhile for me to get avocados but this year there's a lot on the tree. It might have even pollinated my new hass tree next to it. There's two avocados on that one — yayy! Sorry bout your avocado tree getting destroyed by your cat :o(

  5. Wow your garden is looking so nice and healthy : ) I just came across your channel , what area do you live in ?


  6. Everything looks great! I am still drying out up here and haven't been able to plant really anything in the garden yet. Hopefully soon!

  7. you place looks great , do you still have your garden I see last post was 3 years ago ?

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