Container Gardening

Decorate your home, from the garden and the hedgerows

Every year the Telegraph ask Bunny to write a piece in the run up to Christmas. Last year her piece involved composting loos. This year…

Bunny enlists help of top florist Emily Watson and together they decorate her home for the festive season. Bought in baubles, red Poinsettias and tinsel are banned replacing them with bracken, beech leaves, hops and sprouts to create an alternative more naturalistic look.
The Christmas cake is decorated with truffle Brussel Sprouts, which also hang from the rafters, form ‘floral’ arrangements and  adorn the pottery. Get together with friends and share ideas, plus foliage and flowers from your gardens to create a home-grown festive look with a refreshingly different twist!
With thanks to…


Stockists that we used
Hobbycraft – for the edible gold spray, the acrylic pens, and the gold spray paint – Root control garden bags. These are for putting the Christmas tree in when planting it outside. The root control bags stop the big roots going out into the surrounding soil, but allow the little roots out. This makes it brilliant for reusing the tree each Christmas.

Picture credits – Andrew Crowley for The Telegraph
 Video – Unity Guinness
#christmas #festivefoliage


  1. Oh , I love all of the decorations! The Brussels sprouts are a hoot!
    Merry Christmas to you! jd

  2. Happy Christmas Bunny, thank you so much for your fabulously informative videos throughout the year 🥰🥰

  3. How long will the Brussel Sprouts last?! Three weeks?! I'd eat them the first week! Merry Christmas!! Happy Christmas!!

  4. What inspiring tips ladies! Had been wondering how I could decorate my home with some of my fall/winter foliage. Now I know! So excited to try these ideas this Christmas! Thanks so much ladies❤! And Merry Christmas!

  5. Beautiful, especially the display over the fireplace. That colour paint in the kitchen is heavenly 🤗

  6. My, oh my… I am speechless.
    One of the most beautiful Xmas decorations. Thank you.
    Merry Christmas!

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