Gardening Supplies

Vertical Gardening – How to Build a Teepee Trellis & Save Space

Learn vertical gardening with how to build a teepee trellis. I show you our favorite method of constructing an easily teepee trellis for green beans with this simple bean trellis DIY for your vegetable garden. Teepee trellis for peas is also great option though we use ours for our pole beans. 👇👇👇 Click show more for resources and free planting guide

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Vertical Gardening- How to Build a Teepee Trellis & Save Space


  1. I would be very interested to know how many people right now are actually growing these exact beans. Family and not family. I would love to try some myself!

  2. I've planted bush beans for years but my back and legs are telling me to give that up so I'm going to try pole beans this season and am going to make the tee-pees the way you did. Pole beans also have some advantages over bush beans.

  3. Amazing job with the teepee trellis..

    Note: Your in fantastic shape after 20 yrs on the Homestead !! keep up the great work !!

  4. How many beans do you plant around the base of each pole in the teepee? I haven't done any significant trellising beyond interplanting cowpeas with corn.

  5. Going to plant squash and cucumbers. Do you have a video for making a teepee for squash and cucumbers?

  6. Thank you for this! I have tons of T posts around from doing double snow fences every winter! Now they will get year round use!

    (Can you tell I'm totally doing work right now.? Instead of watching this video again?)

  7. I literally have barely any money to vegetable garden so I went to my step dads place and cut some pine tree branches off and tied them together for my pole beans

  8. Thank you for the video. I purchased my supplies for constructing the teepees for my pole beans but wasn’t sure exactly how to construct it. Your video helped me tremendously!

  9. I am engaged to a Filipina. I will be growing adobong beans (similar to American asparagus beans only they are red), ube, sayote and traditional American stuff like cucumbers. I am going vertically as much as I can this year.

  10. I have lots of 8 foot strapping and t posts . I think I can make teepees like this. I like the center anchor pole. Thank you!!

  11. Great beans thank you. This is exactly what I have been looking for. Any ideas for vine growing vegetables or fruit with 4 ft teepee using bamboo . I really love the look alot

  12. I have a few vertical setups. I have one bed along a 7 ft tall fence (bed is raised 1ft so that gives 6 feet to grow), which has tomatoes at the front and pole beans at the back, and twine attached to the fence and tomato cages for the pole beans to climb onto. The pole beans reached the top about a month after sprouting so now I'm training them horizontally. Since I'm barely a month in, I wonder how they'll look in September…

    Then there's a bed perpendicular to the fence where I put a small tree trunk in the ground at the end of the bed and connected twine between the trunk and fence so that it forms a grid the same height as the fence. I have cucumbers, pole beans and sunflowers climbing there. The pole beans are wrapping around the cucumbers and twine, so they're helping hold the cucumbers in place.

    And I also have an a-frame I built out of large branches and scrap wood and twine that I'll be using for my cantaloupes. I might get some cucamelons going up that a-frame too. Or maybe more pole beans.

    I'm also considering building a vertical structure for my Black Beauty watermelons since those are only 4-5 lbs. And maybe for my butternut squash. And maybe for a fall crop of peas. And maybe for cucamelons in another area…

    It's my first year planting a lot of these things and I'm coming to realize that pole beans grow really fast. If you're doing the 3 sisters method for example, you should probably give your corn a 1 month headstart over the pole beans, especially since the pole beans seem like they get still get started fine in the partial shade of an older corn plant and catch up soon enough. I'm not growing corn but I do have the pole beans growing up the cucumbers, tomatoes, sunflowers, and will also have some growing up on okra, so those are all kinda the same idea. Could also try the same with sorghum or amaranth. But I think with all those, you want to give the plants with thicker stems an approx 1 month headstart over the pole beans. Maybe have bush beans at the base if you want an earlier harvest of green beans, or plant an early harvest of pole beans at the base of your pea trellis (since peas will start dying off from the heat right as the pole beans take over).

  13. I have a big long privacy fence standard 6 ft high. I was wondering if you had any suggestions for making trellises?

  14. Hi Melissa, I found your channel yesterday, and I am so happy I did. Almost everything Im looking to do, you have an awesome video on it. Thank you so much for all the great content.

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