Japanese Garden

[Minecraft] Original texture pack 'Japanese style painting'

#MINECRAFT #BASE #architect #REAL #tutorial
Freedom. (Minecraft Architecture Builder)

Hi guys. I’m Freedom who majored in architecture in Japan.

This time, we will introduce an original texture pack that utilizes vanilla textures while making only the paintings look Japanese.
We will be explaining the membership soon, and will offer this pack as a benefit for members. We sincerely look forward to your registration as a member.

minecraft : v1.19.2


  1. 日本人です!素敵な建築をいつも参考にさせて頂いてます😆テクスチャがとても魅力的です✨メンバーシップ…必ず加入します!!😳

  2. A beautiful set of paintings, but I must confess I'm glad that's the most you're changing with this texture pack. One of the things I have admired the most about your tutorials is how you primarily use default Minecraft rather than relying on tricks like debug stick or specialized texture packs, things that may not be available to all players. You show what Minecraft can really do on its own, without tricks or mods.

  3. well done
    you are a truly impressive creator


  4. You’re one of the most talented Minecraft YouTubers I’ve seen, and it’s no surprise that this texture pack is so cool. I can’t wait to use this!
    あなたは私が見た中で最も才能のあるクリエイターの 1 人であり、このテクスチャ パックがとてもクールであることは驚くことではありません。これを使うのが待ちきれません!

  5. Looks amazing. I hope to see more and will sign up when the time comes.

  6. Can someone explain the "orijinal"? It's supposed to be a pun with a japanese word or something right?

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