Gardening Trends

Starting a new Allotment. Ep. 16. Planting out Garlic and Beans and Peas Germinated at home.

Not Losing the Plot! My Allotment Diary.
So here we are in Episode 16. The main plot is cleared and it is time to start filling up the beds with growing stuff. One of my tips for a successful start to an allotment is to get growing! There is always something you can grow, even in late Autumn and early Winter.

#allotment #allotmentgardening #allotments #mentalhealth #beakaysstreaming #growyourownfood #growyourown #pond #pondmaking

Music from Uppbeat (free for Creators!):…

Apparently I have an affiliate link for Uppbeat! It doesn’t pay me money or cost you anything but it might give me access to extra months of “Premium membership”

I pay a subscription to Upbeat to use their music. I understand the subs they get partly go to the music creators so it is the least I can do.

Thank you for Subscribing and commenting. Chatting to everyone is great and informative. I welcome all your comments and reply to as many as I can.


  1. I can't believe how much you've done in such a short time! You're plans to make a pond haven are wonderful. How are you going to feel when your allotment family come and sit to enjoy that little piece of heaven too? I'm thinking you're going to welcome them because everyone who gardens appreciates beauty.

  2. Again I am reminded of the stream and pond near my house. Silt builds up from decayed leaves and other vegetation, runoff from streets and neighboring properties, and yes trash blows or flows into it after every heavy rainfall. Your pond's issues didn't happen overnight, so it will take time, and a huge effort on your part, to make it look good. You have done a great job and made a massive difference already.

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