Garden Plans

Crop Planning Tips for Market Gardening

General tips about crop planning, my crop plan for the season and how its changed, and tips for maximizing the output from your farm.

Tilth Soil
Website –
Instagram @tilth.soil –

Buy Farmers Friends tunnels here –

White Landscape Fabric –

Videos to check out related to this topic:
Make Money From Your Farm –
Italian Sweet Peppers –
Lettuce (From Field to Farmstand) –
Green Onions –

Josh’s Instagram @josh.sattin –

How I Build My Beds

30″x50′ beds
12″-18″ walkways (whatever you prefer)
Cover the ground with a silage tarp or graze with animals until all the weeds are killed. Broadfork, put down cardboard, wet the down the cardboard, add 4-5″ of compost in the beds and put wood chips in the walkways. This turns out to be about 2.5 cubic yards of compost per 30″x50′ bed. I buy commercially made compost and get my wood chips from local tree companies for free.

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  1. Very good video here Josh. You've got a great business going – everything's immaculate. Maybe even a high value outdoor crop like garlic could be one the chefs like – down the track !!!?? (I'm even looking into saffron crocus – now THERE'S a million dollar plant !)

  2. I’d love to hear your plans with the soil blocks and the beets. My soil block set just came in the mail an I’m planning on trying to do them this year. Thanks Josh

  3. Hi Josh, local Raleigh viewer here. Do you have recommendations for suppliers of high-quality compost in the area?

  4. Lots of information to think about. Lots of planning goes on with the succession planting that many people don't think about.

  5. Thanks for sharing. Great tips even for planning for my small backyard gardens.

  6. Are you going to use shade cloth mid summer, for all those leafy greens?

  7. Hi Josh thanks for the video! so the lettuce you grow all year is salanova? how long does it take for salanova from transplant to harvest in fall and winter? does it grow well in summer? do you harvest by hand? sorry for all the question.. thanks again!

  8. Thanks Josh. Thanks for the well made high quality videos. What would a rough estimate of the initial investment look like for the set up you have?

  9. On a crop such as cucumbers, they continue to grow and produce, is the reason you succession plant those is that you find in a given season, you can get more produce via 2 (maybe 3) plantings, as opposed to letting the plants just continue on? Just curious, and you can answer yes/no, unless you do have commentary. 🙂

  10. So I am also in NC and desperately looking for a mentor so i can learn about market gardening. You available? Lol

  11. From executive chef>disabled vet> micro farmer, I'm excited to grow what's currently trending in the food scene. Last year was my first year distributing produce locally, but on a very small scale. This year I am preparing for a market garden focused on quality and quantity. Hopefully it can fund a couple new poly-tunnels to keep it a year round project. This video is pure inspiration in my eyes, thank you

  12. Thank you for the info! 1st generational farmers here with big dreams. We are starting our first CSA this year and just the info on succession planning leads me to believe we got a lot of learning to do! Thanks again!

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