Backyard Garden

Raised Beds & Containers | Backyard Garden

Zone 6 (Chicago, IL, USA)
Hey there! In this video I share an update as we settle into Fall. There are still a few summer vegetables but the vegetables that thrive in the cooler temps are really taking off!

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  1. You will have to share the nastrium pesto recipe. It sounds interesting. I know I'm spelling nastrium wrong.. 🤷‍♀️

  2. This video relaxed me so much, I didnt even realize that my 3 year old wasnt really "helping" me with laundry but just making a mess of already folded clothes. I better rewatch the video so all stays calm

  3. hey there friend. your brassicas all look very healthy. I love the brassicas this time of year because they really show you how hardy they are. so beautifully green too. just a word about a few of them. i did plant from seed the mustards, kohlrabi and turnips in spring. they did very well . so I replanted them for the fall. not sure what happened but they begin to struggle too. That little green worm tore the leaves up. totally bare.I am able to save my turnips but the others didn't make. i planted ac second spinach crop as well. its struggling in this weather. soon the first frost will hit hard and some will over winter naturally. brussels and the kales both curry and elephant kale does that. tomato plants are not dying offset! This is a complete surprise because last year this time they were the first to die back. Until next time….HAPPY HARVESTING and GARDENING!

  4. All this time I've been watching your videos I've just noticed you garden on concrete like I do. I have large bins everywhere. Did you build your beds & cage baby yourself?

  5. Hi! Really enjoyed the longer video! Sipping a glass of wine and seeing your garden is decadent:). Do you compost? I planted garlic and onions last weekend. I know the garlic will overwinter just fine, but this will be my first try on the onions. Peace-

  6. Hey B! I just admire your garden…as you share everything and explain what happened or what didn't happen. Your collards have really burst through the netting and hoops lol…I hope mines get that large. I just hoop and netted my raised bed this morning. Great video, again!👍😊

  7. Hi Ms B
    This is Lynetta from Chgo suburbs I am new to your channel.
    You are so inspiring I really enjoy your channel. I need to know what do you use to keep rodents and pest away. We have field mice, rabbits and opossums out here.
    I have put solar lights, and mint plants should I also try netting fabric?
    Next year I plan to continue with my spring garden and start my autumn garden.
    May God continue to bless you and your family.
    You are sooo encouraging!
    Sister in Christ Jesus!🙏😇😘

  8. Good evening, how many seeds did you use to get all those greens and how long to get that growth

  9. Your channel provides so much value. I’m new to gardening and you have been such an inspiration! Thank you for sharing!🥰

  10. Good morning. Your video came up in my recommendation feed. Those worms are the worst, next to the whiteflies! That's what gardening is about, we learn for the next time. Your collards are beautiful! I love your radishes! Gives me hope for next season!  I  love that strawberry cage! For my first view of your channel, It was a very informative video and a great garden update. I love the cage! Great idea from my squirrels! Your Boxcar Willie is huge! I am very happy that I found your channel. Thank you and take care.

  11. Hi! Did you move the collards with the tall stalks from another place in your garden? I have some I want to move but don’t want to lose them.

  12. Ohhhh myyy goodness…look at those collards♥️♥️ are they Georgia collards? What do you do for bugs?

  13. Hello ! I live in Chicago also, (South Side) and want to start a container garden this year. I need some tips on how to grow cucumbers in a large pot and I'm glad I found your channel. I love your garden, especially the enclosures that you have set up. I have concerns about critters and birds so seeing the netting and enclosures that you have really gave me ideas on how I can save my vegetables. I love what you do, keep it up !

  14. If you don't mind, allow me to give you a tip or two. With your greens of any kind, plant with them garlic and onion. Also you can take hot pepper's chop them up and add to rain water, set it in the sun as if making suntea for about 2 days or so. Strain it and spray your plants down. you can do the same thing with garlic as well as mix the two if you feel you need that something extra.
    This will help keep bugs and worms at bay. Do this heavy in the begenning of planting season and throughout the growing season. I have had really good sucess using these homemade spray's. Garlic and onion are naturel bug repelants (have you noticed nothing mess with these plants at any time you have grown them?) and hot pepper will help back them up when they take a bite of any of your plants. You can make these spay's as strong as you feel you need them. Hot pepper, the hotter the better. If you over head water you will need to reaply soon as the plants try. Otherwise reaply after a rain or as soon as you see an issue. Be sure to spay the undersides of every leaf on every plant and plants next to the spraied plant to stop them from messing with other plant's.
    I hope this helps and take you a long way. I have had great sucess making and these spray's in the past.
    Blessings and bountiful harvest for years to come.

  15. Thanks for the great videos! By the way, I wanted to pass the word that sliced or halved radishes can be added to soups or stir-fry if you have a bumper crop of them like I did last year.

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