Gardening Supplies

3 Reasons THIS Is The Most Important Skill Every Gardener Should Know!

savings seeds is SO important. I can’t stress the importance enough. In this episode I will give you 3 reasons why it is so important.

Check out our seed shop at


  1. I’m seed saving from everything! I even save seeds from my Bountiful Harvest baskets (mostly organic). I was gifted three pumpkins this year which I used at Halloween. I just drew faces on. Then I cooked in instant pot and froze the purée. One of them was so delicious and have so much flesh on the inside that I saved those seeds. It was from a green pumpkin which I’m still trying to identify but I’m definitely trying it in my garden next year. So many seeds! I also participate in a couple of seed swaps and gift seeds to our community garden which also donates spaces to low income people to use as well.

  2. I love a seed company owner recommending saving seed. You rock Luke.
    As much as I love saving seed, I’m still addicted to buying them, so don’t worry, you’ll still get my business. 😂

  3. I believe saving seats also has a lot to do with the large companies in the agriculture business patenting their seeds…and genetically engineering their seed. I could foresee a day when all of the varieties available are legally locked up by large companies. And that is why heirloom variety, which are basically public domain, are important to hold onto. I know that sounds a little like me being a conspiracy nut, but there was a day when we discovered Oil and thought it never would run out. Or we dumped carbon into our atmosphere thinking that it would absorb all of it with no consequence. So maybe I’m crazy… Maybe I’m not

  4. I actually love seed saving. I enjoy seeds. There is a wonder in seeds. To think most all we grow comes from seeds! Its a wonder of God. I really enjoy seeds. I intend to save seeds now more than I ever thought of before. I actually intended to set many plants just for seed saving this coming year! Its funny this video timing. Looks like I have not been the only one got my mind on gardening especially the topic of seeds this winter. Winter just began and I am already way deep into next years garden already growing in my mind. 😊

  5. Really great session Luke. Very comprehensive. I save special bean and cucumber seeds which have been in my family for a very long time, and, until recently they were not possible to buy. But you have inspired me to save seeds from my other edible plants. I have a silver beet plant (swiss chard) which is particularly sweet, tender and big and healthy. I have no idea where I got it from so, in order to have it again, I'm letting it go to seed. And i'll do the same with my other favourites. Because of cross pollination with some plants I"d gone off seed saving, but I just need to take this into account. Again, thank you!!!

  6. I ordered my first heirloom tomato seed this year and I plan to do my best to save seed to cultivate on my small plot

  7. I want to learn more about saving seeds. Can you do more videos on how to save different types of seeds

  8. This is also going to make me sound insane but what happens if the ability to send seeds across the country was shut down

  9. This is the first year that I’ve grown from seed and saved seed. I love it. I actually have arugula all over the garden from winnowing 😂. I have collected seeds from 10 different plants, and am so excited to see if they grow in the spring. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and experience with us.

  10. As a new gardener, even I understand the importance of seed saving. Looking forward to planting my tomato seeds next year.

  11. I got banquet squash seeds one year. Love it!! Can't get it anymore. I seeds saved but I am worried that it may have been cross pollinated.

  12. Climatization and community building are also great reasons for saving seed. Keep saving seeds from your strongest plants and they’ll continue to adapt and build resiliency to your specific area. Seed swaps and sharing seeds is fun too.

  13. It is addictive to the point where my family gets annoyed because my dining room table is covered with small dishes labeled and left to dry!

  14. I save seeds to help develop strains that grow well in my setting.

  15. Love seed saving. I shop at my local farm market for veg I did not grow. Saved the seeds because I know the stuff will grow in my area. Save my seed money to buy new hybrids of disease resistant varieties. Love your brain full of garden knowledge. AnOldYankeegardener

  16. Every year I save seeds from what I grow. I have several old tin coffee cans full of seed in old pill containers. Some grow some don't. Best

  17. I've been saving seeds since long before I even grew plants. Early childhood. I just thought it was so neat that seeds could come out of those things and I would stick them into envelopes and tuck them away and they would just go bad lol.

  18. I'm getting better at saving seeds! Plus when you save seed, they are more acclimated to your area and zone and do much better down the line I've found! I also save cuttings and winter over and pot n plant the following year, example, I have cuttings of my big basil (I have seeds also) in little jars in the kitchen window and they have wonderful roots on them now. I will pot up and when it's warm enough, plant them out and then do seeds behind them. Saves money! 🙂 I also regrow kitchen scraps. I do celery and start saving the "butts" after December and start sprouting and potting up and when warm enough plant them out and they do great too! 🙂 Thanks for the encouragement as always!

  19. I just started saving seeds as this will be my 1st year gardening in the desert.

    How green am I? Real! I stripped 3 colored and green Bells and Jalapeños.
    Food I bought from Walmart.
    The issue I had is I put all my seeds in a small zip lock left the top open set them in the window and they turned brown but I still have them hoping to plant in spring.

    I just don't know if they will grow, so begins the learning curve.

  20. Luke, I not only save seeds but I've also gotten seeds that i couldnt get for my flower garden from another YouTube channel. And I have also shared seeds that I saved and sent them to a different YouTube channel in florida. I also grow vegetable and flower plants to give away to friends. It's so satisfying to grow something from a seed you saved.

  21. I save my marigold seeds and make packets for all my students each year. I started out doing the same thing for our school staff, but each year I try to find a different flower seed to package up and share with them. This is my Christmas gift to each one. I remind them via email each year when it is time to plant them.

  22. Saving seeds are the most fun part of gardening!💞🤗💞 I remember how you babied those tomatoe seeds and how excited you were that one grew! Awesome, thanks Luke 🤗

  23. I save seeds from just about everything I grow! This was a really great video spoken from the heart! You can tell how truly passionate you are about growing! I love this video!

  24. I'm one of those Giant Crimson growers. I had 1 plant this year and saved seeds to grow more next year

  25. I LOVED this episode! Seeds are magical!! I saved many seeds this year and I’m giving myself a challenge next year, it’s to not buy ANY seeds! I will only use from what I’ve already purchased or grown. Last year I planted a packet of 12 year old fava seeds. A few came up and I saved all of them for seeds. I planted them all just a few weeks ago and am looking forward to actually eating some this coming year. I think it will be worth the wait!

  26. There is some arrogance or naivete in wondering why save seed. Someone saved seeds for you to order them, right? Gardening isn't just seeing the plants you grew from a seed packet – it's a continuum, to learn more and if you don't have appreciation for how the pieces fit together, you are overlooking the big picture. Me for example – was NOT prepared for the bounty of my first vegetable garden this year. Thought it would all be fresh eating and giving away the rest. I was overwhelmed until I realized you also need to learn how to can. Now on that path too. And wildflowers for pollinators and beneficials. And herbal remedies. Etc. There's no tunnel vision when it comes to gardening and seed saving is for sure just a piece of that big puzzle.

  27. I started saving when I couldn't get Amish paste tomato for 2 years. I found it last year and saved a ton of seeds. Nothing is the same for me.

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