Gardening Supplies

Gardening To Eat

Good Morning

in today’s video I’m Sharing My Garden, Why I have a garden,

the reason I love gardening so much, Yes I love Nature, I love flowers being out in fresh air, Sharing My Garden with family and friends, But I Grow my Garden With and expectation of food, if I drop a seed I’m expecting a harvest, I love experimenting, But my garden will be filled with food, Not to just Show or look at,

This food is for Nourishment to my body,



  1. I tried something new the other day while winterizing my plants I have to bring indoors. First I took the plants out the pots and rinsed the root ball thoroughly saving as much soil I could to put back in the pot. Next I boiled water and poured down in the soil without the plants on them to kill off any eggs that have been placed in the soil by pest.Only because the soil comes from outside and last year I had a huge problem with fungus nats. At least three times a week I will spray the soil at the base of the plants to prevent mold development. Cinnamon also helps to prevent top layer mold development on the top layer of the soil.

  2. Hi Mrs. Linda, thank you for the information on refurbishing our gardening bed. I have chicken that I will be using their coop gold to fertilizer one of my spring garden with.

  3. Hello Ms Linda, I started laughing when I saw you were out there in your garden barefooted. Your veggies look amazing. Do you eat your leaves off your kohlrabi and cauliflower? Have a bless day.

  4. It always seems like you just planted the seedling yesterday and then, "There it is!!" all big and beautiful!πŸ˜†Your plants know you mean business!πŸ₯° Awesome harvest my sista! Blessings

  5. Besides the beautiful colors..I also enjoy the sound of your garden..the satisfying crunch of the leaves and snap of the stem of the plants you pull shows how healthy they are..not the limp floppy things from the store that make no sound as you move them…your opening our eyes AND our ears to what good food is! πŸ’œ

  6. Hello Fellow ⚜WHO DAT Sister, If you haven't already, please start composting your kitchen scraps, non disease spent garden plants and flowers, especially comfrey and mullein leaves, and some πŸ” poop from your peeps (Back to our Roots Homestead)!! Trust me — you'll create your own healthy soil, compost tea AND your plants WILL LOVE IT. When I'm home and in the city again, I'd love to check out your garden. Until next time, keep gardening 🐞

  7. Yes the violet purple is gorgeous, I totally agree, so much purple πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜

  8. Those plants look almost to pretty to eat TNOG. But you noticed that I said β€œAlmost” πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. Great job fam! Stay blessed Queen πŸ‘‘!

  9. Besides the beautiful colors..I also enjoy the sound of your garden..the satisfying crunch of the leaves and snap of the stem of the plants you pull shows how healthy they are..not the limp floppy things from the store that make no sound as you move them…your opening our eyes AND our ears to what good food is! πŸ’œ

  10. Alright Auntie you gonna make us make some tea β˜•. You have those brassicas showing out over there!! Your Brussel Sprouts are coming. The Cauliflower is beautiful 🀩. We need to stake up our Broccoli Romanesco. Nice looking carrots. We wish you lived closer so you could get some of these brown eggs πŸ₯š. Awesome Harvest Auntie. Thanks for sharing. Enjoy your evening

  11. hi linda πŸ€—
    great garden. so many plants are ready for harvest.
    if i could just get a little of that rain πŸ˜‚πŸ€£

  12. Girl that garden still continues to flourish. I harvested the remainder of my collards the Saturday before Thanksgiving and spent 5 hours in the kitchen just picking and washing them. Thank you so much for sharing your harvest! πŸ₯”πŸ₯¦πŸ₯’

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