Backyard Garden

Californian backyard garden beekeeping

Nestled in the rolling hills of El Cerrito, California, Chris and his family have found a passion for observing the tireless and intricate nature of bees.

Travelling around the USA and Australia, Cedar’s sister Mira found Flow™ Hives being used in some pretty diverse locations… suburban backyards, rural ranches, magical secret gardens, and even on a rooftop in downtown LA!

We will be uploading a new episode each week… you’ll meet Jeff, who has kept bees for decades, Kim who has eight kids yet still finds time to marvel at her first hive, Christie dealing with bears stealing her honey… 30 wonderful, passionate, engaged members of the Flow™ community…


  1. FlowHive should demo this product to Mongolian beekeepers who have been honey producers since Soviet times.

  2. Val Beaumontnd
    I think bee keeping is just darn interesting all around – these micro short videos leave me feeling "there HAS to be more cool (and more than 2 minute) stories out there"!
    Not sure what the saturation of Flow-Hive product is here in the USA, but with the massive changes in climate both north to south and east to west, I'm thinking it would be great seeing how different the hives must be treated and cared for, as well as the production levels of each division of the country. Just an idea – but it would make a terrific and well viewed series. I'm in what is called the Williamette Valley area of Oregon. Every spring when bees swarm, we have a very old pear tree that is partially split – they will stay there a couple days before moving on … makes me think HEY…..mother nature might be delivering my NEW hobby – and doing it better than the mail carrier out this way! LOL

  3. You mentioned in this video that two websites helped you greatly with scientific information… which two websites were they?

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