
How to Grow Hip Length Hair | Historical, Natural Routine (Loads More Tips!)

In this video, I will be sharing more about how to grow hip length hair using a historical, natural routine! This is how I grew my hair after a chin length hair cut, and having always struggled with hair growth previously. If you haven’t seen my first historical hair care video, be sure to watch it here:

This video is especially for those who will be implementing some form of this natural, historical hair care routine. This video will include:

* My tips for those with finer or straighter hair types who would like to implement this routine
*The natural conditioner I use
* The importance of a specific type of hair rinse
* Specific tips and cautions for clay washes and vinegar rinses to avoid common “starter” issues.
*The main historical hair care tool I think everyone should have in their arsenal,
* The one supplement (MSM) I think many people could benefit from for improved hair health and growth!

Enjoy the video!

*Please note: I was not sponsored to mention either the MSM I personally use, or Cahlia Natural conditioner.

✍ Blog post for this video:

⏰ Time Stamps ⏰
0:00 – Intro
0:38 – Who This Video is For
1:36 – Who I Am
2:08 – What This Video Will Include
3:56 – Vivaia Footwear
5:53 – Historical Hair Care Recap
7:49 – Hair Care Across the World
8:20 – Kinky Hair Community
10:22 – Aruyvedic Hair Community
11:14 – Hair Growth Vs. Length Retention
14:34 – Wet Detangling and Commercialism
16:13 – Sealing Hair Ends
19:16 – Boar Bristle Brushing
21:47 – Historical “Dry Shampoo?”
23:14 – Different Types of Boar Bristle Brushes
25:56 – Boar Bristle Brushing Demo (for thick curly hair)
29:14 – Apple Cider Vinegar Hair Rinses
31:48 – Clay Wash Cautions
33:37 – Bentonite Clay?
34:24 – Colour-Treated Hair
35:02 – How I Do My ACV Rinse
35:24 – Proper Dilution for the ACV Rinse
36:36 – The Dreaded “Transition Period”
39:10 – What Natural Conditioner Do I Use?
41:02 – Tips for Finer, Straighter Hair Types
46:15 – To Trim or Not to Trim?
49:41 – If You Only Take One Supplement . . .
52:45 – My Organic Sulphur Story
55:47 – How to Take MSM (a brief intro)
56:53 – Conclusion
58:18 – Exciting Channel Announcement!

👑 Join my Channel Membership:

💇 Hair Products I recommend:
Organic Sulphur Crystals (MSM) –
Powdered MSM (Organika brand) –
Wooden Bristle Brush –
Rhassoul Clay –
Aloe Vera Juice –
Jojoba Oil –
Apple cider vinegar –
Shampoo brush –
Satin sleeping bonnet –
Jamaican Black Castor Oil and Red Pimento Scalp Oil Blend (great for promoting growth) –
Boar Bristle Brush (options)

Vivaia sustainable shoes:
CODE for 10% off your order: VIVAIANEW

Hair Channels (or Videos) I Am Grateful For:
Curly Proverbz –
Green Beauty –
Indigenous Strandz –
How to Finger Detangle from Naptural85 –
Sushmita’s Diaries –

🎵 My sister Ellie’s stunning rendition of “Moon River” by Audrey Hepburn (she’s only 14!)

Thank you to Lina at for compiling so many historical hair care manuals!

Leave comments and questions below!

🌐 My website:
🛍 Sewing supplies I recommend:
💇 Hair care products I recommend:
📖 “Victorian Custom Corset-Making” Course:
☕ Buy me a coffee:
✉ Contact me:

♥ Follow me on social media:

#hair #hairstyle #hairstyles #longhair #curlyhair #haircare #naturalhair #hairfashion #hairideas #healthyhair #historicalhair


  1. 💇 Hair Products I recommend:
    Organic Sulphur Crystals (MSM) –
    Powdered MSM (Organika brand) –
    Wooden Bristle Brush –
    Rhassoul Clay –
    Aloe Vera Juice –
    Jojoba Oil –
    Apple cider vinegar –
    Shampoo brush –
    Satin sleeping bonnet –
    Jamaican Black Castor Oil and Red Pimento Scalp Oil Blend (great for promoting growth) –
    Boar Bristle Brush (options)

    🌐 My website:
    🛍 Sewing supplies I recommend:
    💇 Hair care products I recommend:
    📖 "Victorian Custom Corset-Making" Course:
    ☕ Buy me a coffee:
    ✉ Contact me:

  2. On a total aside: Brushing your hair is also a soothing process. I'm more than happy to introduce it to my nighttime routine as part of winding down my day, and essentially "self soothing". 🙂

  3. Where do you buy the clay online? How long should I keep the oil on my hair I read that overnight is bad and the max duration should be 4 hours max! Did u used during ur journey risnary water/oil or rice water?

  4. Those boots look nice. Somebody buy them for me. Lol I 2nd the MSM your hair will growwwww. If you are genetically prone to being hairy on your body and face it can aggravate that. 😬 It does stop when you stop using MSM and you will have nice long hair. So it can be worth looking like a yeti for a month or two. If you are pregnant and nursing don’t use it. It could give you headaches if you go in hard and fast so start slow. Also stop taking it after a month Or two for a month or two. Something like that.

  5. A good, light weight, oil for someone with thin hair is ARGAN OIL. Only apply when the hair is wet or damp though. This helps to seal in the moisture otherwise if you apply it after your hair has dried, your hair will look and feel greasy.

  6. Oh, thank you so much for this video! Onestly, i watched one of your sewing videos, about two years old, and i wondered how you managed to grow your hair this long in just two years😱😄 now i know!
    I am about to buy MSM now but cannot with your link because i must order via amazon europe! Lots of love to you, you are amazing! ❤

  7. I washed my hair with Moroccan powder for 2 weeks and a half and I felt the need to wash it again with Shampoo just to feel that cleanness after a "classic" wash that I used to get, because I am not able, for the moment, to get a uniform clean scalp with the powder. So what I will do next is go back to the powder for another 2 weeks see if I can stretch it to 3, get one wash with shampoo and repeat the cycle until, in the long run, I get fully independent from shampoo. For now the Moroccan powder did not help with the itchy scalp , which I really hopped it would be the answer for but will push on and see.

  8. When I saw your video for the first time, I think you did the video about a year ago. I totally understand about Rhassoul clay. The company that I use is Elbyaha Rhassoul Rose clay. I've always used it for my skin but I never thought to use it for my hair especially for hair growth. I use rose water but I never thought about the clay. So I tried it just a couple of days ago and although I use an organic olive oil shampoo, I will be intermittently using the Rhassoul rose clay. I also use jojoba and argan oil. I'm also very aware of MSM as a supplement; I take it for particularly my back as it helps my lower back problems, and I know that it also helps with hair growth. I truly enjoyed your video about this. It has opened my eyes to a lot of other things and great possibilities for my hair growth journey. . As for brushes, I used to use the boar bristle but now I use bamboo and a bamboo comb for my brushing. It's very gentle and smoothly goes through the hair nicely which is what I like. Minimal breakage which is also very important to me. Thanks again for a great video.

  9. Do you cover your hair or get your hair wet while showering? If you cover your hair, what do you use? What are your suggestions for women with fine, yet thick, straight hair?

  10. Curious. My hair is so curly I have stopped brushing my hair except for finger combing. Been years since I have brushed my hair irl. Do you suggest I try using a boar bristle brush?

  11. I was losing my hair in 2015, and totally switched to baking soda. You could see my shiny scalp! And thinning hair runs on my mothers side of the family. Baking soda is amazing! Make sure to dilute it (about 1/4 cup baking soda to about a liter of water and just pour it on, as you rub it in, and rinse! I always do a final rinse in cold water. What a difference! You don’t get the bubbles or foam action, but necessity is mother of invention. I need to condition more, and my hair isn’t as GORGEOUS as yours, but it stopped falling out in clumps. It’s funny, when people ask ‘what did you do?’ And you tell them, but they give excuses as to why they could never do THAT!
    Thank you! Your hair is gorgeous!🙏🏻💕

  12. I tried clay, my hair and scalp does not like it but my hair is slightly wavy, almost straight and very very fine… It was a huge dry, tangle-y mess at the roots and very greasy hair lengths. I used to have knee length, cut it last year to halfway my back and is back to hip length already. Have to say I have thyroid problems and systemic Lupus, which both cause extreme painful scalp and using to much products will give my scalp a fare up, not funny… I am now using shampoo bar and it soothes my scalp and not causing greasy hair.

  13. I love your hair and your videos have been very detailed and helpful. I have already incorporated some things into my hair and plan on doing more as I get the things I need. Even though I am not white and have 3c-4b hair (I guess) these things are helpful no matter what type of hair you have. I have to work on hair growth and length retention. Thank you so much for helping all types of women with hair struggles. Your hair is very pretty.

  14. I have fine and light 2A hair and I find that shea butter weighs it down less and looks less oily than for example jojoba despite the more "heavy appearance" it has on its own. BBB isn't a good option for me either as it makes my hair look oilier at the roots without being able to get the natural oils down to the ends, not even if I brush until my scalp feels raw, it also causes a lot of static electricity, I would love to hear if anyone else with fine hair has a similar experience with shea and any suggestions for a bbb-alternative

  15. Thank you! God bless you! / Everyone please make sure you know Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour! He is coming soon! Please don't be left behind! Repent and accept Jesus! JESUS LOVES YOU! John 3:16, Revelation 20:15, 1 Corrinthians 15 1-4

  16. If you have thin, finer hair especially curly hair, sweet almond oil is a great alternative. Jojoba is pretty light along with argon oil as well. But sweet almond oil is just a bit lighter.
    Jojoba is a great choice though. You just don’t need as much as she put in and you’ll use it less! Your hair will tell you what you need 😁

  17. As someone who had her hair down to her mid- calf, I can honestly say NONE of this is necessary! I washed my hair 1-2 x /week ( focus on scrubbing scalp only) and used a generous (handful) of conditioner ( dollop on from collar done to ends, massage gently into hair) let sit 3min, rinse w warm water, and done! Gently squeeze hair and wrap in towel ( no rubbing) , apply a quarter- size squirt of conditioner to ends of hair, ( roughly lower 4 in) and leave in. That's it. Aside from this, do not cut hair- it will grow. I kept mine braided or in a bun to protect it. Also it is important to eat red meat. Our bodies need heme iron, we do not properly absorb plant based iron. And that's it, folks☺️. ( Edit: I only used reg supermarket shampoo and conditioner – Tresamme was my go-to, the moisture rich one!) I was told by everyone – hairdressers incl- I had healthy, lustrous, beautiful hair! Goodluck, everyone and God bless! When detangling wet hair, use a wide- tooth comb, no blow-dry. Mostly just comb, and occasionally brush hair to keep it nice. My hair is fine, med thick and ripple-waved. Just some common sense, simplicity is best 🙂

  18. Thanks for sharing this video, I am just starting my hair growth journey (64) can you kindly let me know the name of the hair conditioner your use. Unfortunately I could not quite make out the name from the video. Many thanks.

  19. 'Sneha' comes from a root meaning a sticky, glistening thing. In most Indo-European languages, this means oil, but it's also the root of the English word 'snow'. 😀

  20. I've felt the need to go retro, dress and styling. Thank you for opening the door. I'll be watching.

  21. Love you! ❤ thank you soooooo much! Your tips are great💥❤️❤️❤️❤️☺️
    I mixed today 1 egg and rosemary and aloe vera into the clay ( leave in 30 mins) wash it out with water 😂 next step vinegar rinse 🥰☺️👏🙏🏻 I'm so grateful to have found you.☺️ I will also use msm. thanks from germany hamburg 💐🌺🌸🌷🌹

  22. I have learned so much from you! About 6 weeks ago, I started using Purador brand shampoo and conditioner and my thinning hair is growing back into the areas where I was balding! I would love to wash how you do but am afraid my hair regrowth will reverse. I am 73 years old. What are your thoughts on this?

  23. I've been told drinking bone broth can help your body have nutrients to help grow hair. Anyone else heard this or tried it?

  24. Working my way to healthier hair at 52. I have fine slightly wavy hair. I used to box color it every 2 months and used Sauve shampoo and conditioner 3-4 times a week. I quit coloring my hair 3 months ago and switched to Hair Food brand products and now wash once a week. I no longer use a hair straightener or blow dryer. I use a drop of jojoba oil on my ends. I wish my clumsy fingers could learn how to braid. Oh, well! Good luck and blessings to all on their healthy hair journeys.😊

  25. OMG! Your sister’s voice is incredible!♥️ Thank you for the additional hair video. A few years ago, I switched to Ayurveda herbs & oils to cleanse/condition my hair. Best decision ever! 😊

  26. I have fine hair tho it hates argan and jojoba, but loves castor. But i have to use 2 drops no more.

  27. YAY!! Thank you so much for this video!! Your first video helped me realize I was destroying my hair by styling it wet. I’ve stopped that and have way less loss and breakage 🙌🏽
    I’m a straight haired gal allergic to shampoo and have been “no-poo” for years out of desperation 😅 clay was just too heavy for me, but raw egg yolks rinsed and foamed up with plain yogurt and essential oils are my go to “shampoo” now. For my straight, fine hair this gives bounce, shine and cleanses well

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