
Identity V | NOT THE BEST DECODER BUT THE MOST FUN TO PLAY AS! | New Survivor “Composer” Gameplay

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#IdentityV #第五人格 #アイデンティティV


  1. abri 37 essencias e NADA, é muito azar pra uma pessoa só 😭 joga muito cerejinha

  2. Aaaah, I hope I'm lucky and get his essence skin ; o ; He looks so fun! Thanks for uploading, I enjoyed seeing you play him!

  3. To be honest I got him in 30 pulls and I'm always the first one to be found by the Hunter

  4. Eu consegui ele em 50 essências fiquei muito feliz mas achei muito difícil prestar atenção na partida enquanto decodifica

  5. Cara eu gostei demais dele, vc pode tocar música e acaba desfrutando o momento ☺😅, vou esperar para pegar ele com clue msm, vai ser meu novo main

  6. im confused. is composer out on NA/EU server cuz i dont have him in Asia. or maybe i do and im just blind but the idv says he’ll be here in 6 days?

  7. Bro idk why but I’ve been opening up essences and still have not gotten a limited skin, and that makes me sad that everyone else gets the limited skins but I don’t so I don’t have fun 🙂. Also how many people spent money just for this skin?

  8. May i ask that incase u wanna quit decode u just press the blank space of screen right?

  9. Please play The Antiquarian💓. I really want to see this beautiful skin again😍. I regret that I did not knock out 😭

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