Gardening Supplies

Indoor Winter Gardening: What You Need to Know (and 31 Days of Giving DAY 01 WINNER!)

Indoor Winter Gardening: What You Need to Know (and 31 Days of Giving DAY 01 WINNER!) Zone 5 Gardening

Day 01 of our 31 Days of Guten Gardening Gardening Gift Giving start with our first giveaway and an indoor garden tour.

If you want to take part in the giveaways, watch this video here to learn how:

In this video we talk about some of the important things you need to know as you start indoor gardening. After all, indoor gardening is a different experience than gardening outdoors. With indoor gardening there is no “mother nature,” but there is still a list of challenges you will face and information you need to have in order to be successful.

We want to provide you with an overview of these pieces of information as well as show you our indoor growing area. Regardless of the size of your indoor garden or even if you have tried gardening indoors before, this is the time to start to grow your own food.

Here in zone 5 Wisconsin, the winters are cold, but the indoor gardens are not. We hope you enjoy this Winter Garden Tour 2022 video, and especially enjoy the first of many giveaways.

Congratulation to our giveaway winner!

Thank you for enjoying the video with us!

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#IndoorGarden #IndoorGardenTour #Giveaway


  1. Grow along with us…
    Green Stalk Vertical Garden:

    To receive $10 off your greenstalk purchase, click this link: and enter code: GUTEN at checkout (greenstalk coupon code)


  2. Congratulations Marlene. And I’m doing indoor gardening as well. I have a grow tent in my bedroom because I have a tiny one bedroom house. And my kitchen table is where I start my seedlings. So I’m trying to grow wherever I can.

  3. Congrats Marlene!! What a neat prize too. I have a small 5 tier shelf with led grow lights ready for all my seedlings, and probably some indoor greens as well. I hope to expand my indoor growing over time, I have a large unused basement looking for some purpose.

  4. Congratulations to Marlene! Hope it helps you grow whatever your heart desires!

    I have a tiny baby coffee tree and some other plants in the corner of one room. Fungus gnats were an issue, but I didn't realize that they'd act as pollinators. So many tomatoes in my little plant corner.

  5. I love this! Your i door growing space looks amazing! I also grow indoors extensively and have thought about bringing my greenstalk inside. The question I have is how do you deal with the water that drains out of the bottom of the greenstalk? Thanks for all your videos!

  6. Getting my indoor growing station ready too. I can't wait until spring to garden again!

  7. Congrats Marlene! Indoor gardening info and set up was very informative! I have had all three pests last year when overwintering plants indoors. Hoping it will be less of an issue this winter.

  8. Congrats Marlene! I do some indoor gardening but only with a few LED shop lights.@guten gardening. Your set up is cool. I only wish I had the space.

  9. Congratulations Marlene!

    @Guten Gardening, your dragonfruit has so many roots from the sides. I did not know they did that. I have my first dragonfruit plant that I planted from a cutting in a pot. It's still a baby, only about 2 1/2 feet tall at the moment. I might have to experiment with laying a cutting on its side to see what happens. Is there any particular reason you went with that method as opposed to planting in a pot?

  10. I was gonna do some indoor gardening, but it turns out it’s illegal in Wisconsin.😁 CONGRATS MARLENE!

  11. Lights are very confusing for me haha 😆 anyways Congrats to the winner!! 🎉 that prize is so cute! Maybe I’ll need to get me one for my kids to help in gardening!

  12. The square foot garden spacing template is handy. I actually made my own, or rather a series of 6 separate templates with the different spacings on each one, from a scrap sheet of hardboard I had laying around. An all in one option would be much better

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