Gardening Supplies

What I’m sowing and growing in December | part 1 of 2

This is the first part of a two part series, the second part can be found here, once it’s published:

Here’s the view onto my database for what I sowed in November:

Here’s my plan for December:
and my plan for January:

For all other months, going back for the last few years take a look at the reference information section of my ebook:

For the chapter of my ebook on Growing With Lights: go here:

For the chapter on Growing Under Cover go here:

I have loads of other great resources for you to explore, including hundreds of extra videos, my comprehensive gardening ebook, my gardening app, data on everything I grow and when I grow it and so much more. Everything I do is free to use, but not to create!

For my whole ebook/course go here:

For my Amazon store go here:

For reference information on what to do each month and what I actually do, go here:

For my gardening apps go here:

For polytunnel and greenhouse growing:

For my year round growing guides:

For my guides to individual veggies:

For my 8 step guide to self sufficiency:

For my gardening basics course:

For info on harvesting:

For my FAQ document and video:

My books and videos are all grounded in what I actually do, I make sure you can see the evidence. For example if I suggest sowing carrots in November, take a look at my monthly tours to see them growing and my harvest videos for May to see the actual results. I’m not just about regurgitaing information from the backs of seed packets!

Just because all my resources are ‘free of charge’, to everyone, doesn’t mean they aren’t good quality. My objective is to make sure that there’s no need to be rich to get access to great gardening information. I do however have a lot of costs to cover and my time is valuable to me, so please consider supporting me at


  1. I'm overwintering some chillies, sweet peppers and a couple of aubergines. I'm sowing some too early like you. Hopefully I'll get good results 🤞

  2. Winter plants are so much easier pest wise. Plus gives your beds use, rather than empty.

  3. I have an unused aquarium with hood that has led plant growth light,do you think this would be sufficient to get growth going ‘worth a try?Loving the info by the way!

  4. Just love listening to you! I am learning so much thank you for your incredible insights 🙏🏼

  5. I've only had my polytunnel tomato beds freed up today! They've not really been growing or ripening much, just enough heat to keep them in 'suspended animation' , but delaying cutting until today means they'll ripen indoors over Xmas/New Year.

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