Garden Plans

A Birdhouse That Kids Can Build – Free Plans!

I made this rustic looking duplex birdhouse in such a manner that my kids could easliy assits in putting it together. I used my CNC to cut out the parts but with my free plans (templates) you can easily cut these pieces out in any fasion you see fit.

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  1. I'm impressed 🙂 Great project! I always love to see your CNC in operation (the CNC build was also an impressive project).
    Don't forget to show us some shots of the new tenants 🙂

  2. I have nothing to say really, but I appreciate your content, and wish to help with the yt-algorithms.

  3. Brad! Great to see you in the shop again. But I must comment that those kids should be wearing their safety sandals… 😉

  4. Fantastic work, dude! Nicely done! 😃
    Your kids seem to have enjoyed a lot!
    Stay safe there with your family! 🖖😊

  5. Great "FAMILY" project!! Yes, I'm expressed! Fun, Fun, Fun. Missed your great videos, hope things are going well.

  6. Terrific job & I like that fact that you had the kids involved in the build. Never to young to start learning how to put things together. 👍👍🐦🐦

  7. Yay!!! So good to see you and your family are all well 🙂🙃🙂 baby really wants that sword lol, if we don't see again soon happy holidays to all of you. Lots of love Mitzi from sunny South Africa. Ps loved seeing the whole family getting stuck in with this project. Great job as always

  8. Интересный монтаж видео 😉 Насчет лака: я делал два скворечника, и вот они готовы, но зачем-то мы решили их покрасить в расцветку березы. Птицы два года облетали стороной именно крашеные скворечники. Видимо запах краски отпугивал. Потом заселили и жили в них как обычно

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