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Angry Thai man condemns foreigner for not wearing a mask on BTS | GMT

Angry Thai man condemns foreigner for not wearing a mask on BTS. Ex-Korean taekwondo coach receives Thai ID card, is now ‘Chatchai Choi’. Bang Sue Grand Station: Thailand’s new rail hub is finally ready to roll. Stop and smell the tulips at Floral Fair 2022 in Bangkok. – all are coming up today.

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00:00 Intro
00:36 Angry Thai man condemns foreigner for not wearing a mask on BTS
06:27 Ex-Korean taekwondo coach receives a Thai ID card
12:10 Bang Sue Grand Station: Thailand’s new rail hub is finally ready to roll
15:20 Stop and smell the tulips at Floral Fair 2022 in Bangkok

#thailand #thailandnews #Newsinthailand #touristinthailand #thaitourism #bangkok #RestrictionsThailand #thethaiger

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  1. Of course it’s Racist your own minister publicly said as much how fast you forget your own news.

  2. Unfortunately, most Thai people are brainwashed beyond belief. Most of them lack common sense. I see them daily running around and working out (outdoors) in masks! The amount of degeneracy and stupidity on display is off the charts at this point. Some even go in the water with masks on (no joke, I’ve seen it when I traveled to various islands). This old guy can shove that fake police badge up his ass. It was his lucky day because he didn't run into me. Even if someone believes that masks help prevent the spread (which they don't), Thai law does NOT require one to wear a mask on BTS or any other public transit. BTS cannot overrule Thai law regarding masks. Now, China tried masks with zero-COVID lockdowns and how did that turn out? – Ironically, their infection rates skyrocketed since the policy was implemented. What's even more ironic is that while COVID cases spiked, death rates plummeted. Goes to show that Asian societies in particular are extremely easy to manipulate and adopt radical beliefs by using systematic and often forcible pressure. You really don't see this level of idiocracy outside of Asia.

  3. angry ignoramus, apparently cant read study after study proving masks dont protect against airborne viruses, and turns out the vax aint a vax, it doesnt have even 20% effective after just 6 months. This crybaby just likes to cry about something, bc he can't still e taht stupd about the pandemic 3 years later?

  4. please please please thaiger, never do an article about masks again. it brings out too many 'experts', both for and against. too much name calling, disparaging remarks- 'i'm right, you're wrong'…'no, you're wrong, i'm right'. bloody hell- settle down people.

  5. Studies show that the only reason Thais like wearing mask is because the insecurities they have about their facial features. (Look at the amount of Beaty clinics) On average a westerner earns and spends 10x to 20x more than you average Thai. If you want western money you have to conform to some westerns ways. Or go back to the rice fields 👍🏾This is the reason I now own a car, a motorcycle a live in a more foreigner friendly condo that most thais can not afford to stay in. I would have knocked that man’s teeth out if he would looked in my general direction. I am the same none mask wearing American that allow my dollars to pay for the free vaccines given to this 3rd world country 🇺🇸

  6. RN and researcher here. The wearing of masks can and does prevent the spread of Covid and other diseases spread by respiratory droplet transmission. Just like in an operating room where the surgical staff wear masks to keep the germs contained and not spread into the air and then fall into an open surgical incision. You wear a mask to keep germs contained inside the mask. You wear a mask to protect others.

    A mask is an ineffective way to stop a respiratory droplet disease from entering your lungs, because most masks do not filter well and most people do not wear masks correctly, nor consistently. But masks of most sorts do an outstanding job of catching respiratory droplets and preventing those droplets from floating into the air and contaminating the air space.

    So, wear a mask to protect others! Don't be selfish!

  7. Let me know when the idiotic mask rules are gone so I can visit Thailand again. Not wearing a mask.

  8. Just read the article stating June 23rd masks are no longer mandatory in public places and it's now voluntary. The BTS clearly uses the words THE BTS system SUGGESTS. I wish he had confronted me I would have read him the riot act

  9. You are wearing a mask because a cough or sneeze from a person can go over 5 meters, but with a mask, the virus only goes about 2 meters. You wear a mask to protect others. In Chiang Mai things are less tense but not past tense. My condo still asks for folks to wear a mask on the elevator,

  10. I'm an American living in Thailand and I'm of the same opinion as the Thai man. Personally, I don't think he went too far at all, particularly since it was in such a crowded space and COVID can make people extremely ill or kill.

  11. Masks don't work, that's a fact. PPE experts have proven that. COVID particles are airborne and so small they pass through and around the nose & mouth
    Only a respirator N95 mask works, it completely seals. To be effective you must wear it 24/7 365 days. No taking off for eating & drinking

  12. I start wearing mask and carring disinfectant long before covid, and I still do… 90.000 Bt of hospitals was enough, somebody body is coughing every few seconds , many old farts spreding germs allover, and kids get all the fallout , atleast wear the damn thing.

  13. If you want to wear one go for it ,if not don't it's been proven again and again they don't work ,Thai man wrong western man right.

  14. My wife wears a mask when we go shopping and got the jab last week. She got covid she's fine now.

  15. I would love to see this man say this to another white skinned Asian 😂. Each mask takes almost 30 years to disappear. So you stop giving out plastic bags at stores but continue to pollute the country with more plastic mask 🤦🏾‍♂️ I will never wear another social acceptance mask. 👍🏾 but also will never be poor enough to ride public transportation🤢🤮😂 land of smiles is now the land of mask ☹️

  16. I just went to visit a very important temple in Pitsanulok. You can't walk into the temple without wearing mask and the officials will tell you no mask no entry. So while it isn't mandatory, that doesn't mean it isn't regulated outside the public area. Also, we normally get the bad seasonal pollution during winter so like it or not many people, including foreign expats, were wearing N95 and surgical mask way before covid even arrived. We need to stop politicizing this issue. If you want to wear it then that's fine. If not then it's your right. But stop criticizing the other. But in private places and temples you might not enter if they have a mask policy. Their property their rules.

  17. So vaccine doesn't stop the spread of transmission and if your wearing a mask yourself what is the problem most western countries have stopped these mandates

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