Gardening Supplies

Plant Propagation 101 #8 | When is the Best Time to Take Hardwood Cuttings

When is the Best Time to Take Hardwood Cuttings? In this episode of Plant Propagation 101, we’ll explore the best time to take hardwood cuttings and why. We’re going to get into all the details of why I like to take them in late winter and place on bottom heat and the advantage this timing provides as spring and summer emerge.

Go to the website:

Check out my Wife’s Channel:

Products I Use Frequently:
Hormodin #3 Rooting Powder:
Clonex Rooting Gel:
Dip N Grow Rooting Liquid:
Corona Shears:
Leaf Trimming Shears:
Orchard Lopper:
Propagation Tote:
Propagation Dome and Heat Mat Combo:
Indoor Grow Light:
Grow Tent:
Heavy Duty Heat Mat:

Propagation Group:


  1. I’m another one that needed this right now. I got some cuttings from a one gal Sycoparrotia semidecidua varigata top. The tree was broken in half when delivered. I prepared cuttings correctly, left couple leaves I trimmed on ea cutting because the entire tree was still green albeit very dry from the trip. I’m wondering what you would do with them now since the plant wasn’t dormant…but as you know it’s semi deciduous. I stuck them in my plant room where I have a large grow light I use in winter for succulents etc..OR should I leave them in the glassed in mud room that’s almost exact outside temp. Im in NE Oklahoma Any suggestions from you or other viewers would be appreciated. Thank you for your drive for teaching and sharing!

  2. I want to try to root apples. I know I'd end up with BIG trees rather than dwarfed ones but just rooting them instead of starting a seed and then grafting would be so much faster I think. (Plus I think I got that trunk splitting disease in the roots that can't be got rid of. )

  3. Hi Mike, so good to see you! You did this at the right time! I want to see if I find some arborvitae to take cuttings from all put a green live fence around the house and so many other things.
    Hugs 🥰🤗🙏 I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! Thankful for God being in my life, for His provisions and for friends like you! God bless you and your family ❤️🙏

  4. Thank you so much for this video. I was thinking about this and you made it clear to do hardwood cuttings end of winter beginning of spring. Once again thank you for a very well done video.

  5. Imm going to try some fig trees this year and some peach apple pear trees thank you for all the good info

  6. Have I told you how much I am flat DIGGIN this series?

    Really looking forward to the apple and peach hard wood propagation. Your project aligns with something I’ve been wanting to do up here with a Prunus variety.

  7. Hey Mike.. as good to take care of figs , peaches, apples to growing up as good for next spring and about planting Xmas plants like red portsitta?
    Good job, Mike awesome 👌 👍🪴👋

  8. Hey Mike, I am still waiting for the parkistan mulberry plant, please let me know when they've ready for purchase ,thank you, for this video very informative.

  9. As always, enjoyed the video. I have learned alot from your videos. I should have paid more attention to my Dad when I was young and he was showing me how to graft trees. I do have a question. I am getting ready to build my hoop house, what type of covering would you consider best to use? I am in North Georgia if it makes a difference.

  10. Hey, nieto! I want to try some Golden Dorsett apple cuttings and am looking forward to hearing more from the master teacher. (all peasants will now drop to the floor and bang heads three times to Master Mike! 🙂 Fig cutting, I can take them and plant directly into peat or store the cuttings in the fridge. They get wrapped in wet newspaper and stored in a plastic bag. Peach and pomegranate erk.

    Easter is 17 April. Late Easter, late spring.

    Westfield seek-no-further apple. A man bought land in the Westfield, MA, area when it was a colony. He put the house and orchard on a hill to stay safer from raiders. Later, the family moved away, but one tree refused to give up. When a storm took it down, it drove branches into the rocky soil that sprouted. It did this a number of times over 200 years, and the tree is still there, tho far downhill from where it first grew. Hasta, nieto! Bueno suerte.

  11. yeah buddy! i've even taken green giant cuttings in February (zone 5) and rooted them in my tent inside. life just wants to grow. oh jah bless it!

  12. Can I try and get apple cutting started now and what would be the easiest way to get done l had to cut them to set and protect the trees that are only two years old

  13. I just rewatched this to ensure I heard something right…
    Weigela propagate from Hardwood fairly successfully?

    (I didn’t take any softwoods as I didn’t want to weaken the plant in its first year on my mountain while it was getting established)

  14. Mike, this is very exciting …several years ago, I tried to root cuttings from an apricot tree, one my grandmother had grown in Colorado. Well, I had no idea what to do so I just stuck a couple branches in some water, before heading home. Well, needless to say, that was a total bust, all I ended up with was slimy rotted twigs in some really stinky water. Since apricot trees are similar to peach trees, I need to pay close attention to your upcoming videos on propagating fruit trees. I would love to have a clone from grandma's tree growing in my backyard. Blessings to you and your sweet family! ~Margie🤗🌱🍑

  15. Hey Mike, could you do a video attempt to root a persimmon cutting? I havent seen anyone with any luck with perssimon so I thought you just might be the person to be able to do it.

  16. I have taken my fig cuttings and am getting them ready to store in the vegetable crisper in a zip lock bag. I years past, I had trouble with mold and rot by putting in a piece of moist paper towel. I am a little more sophisticated this year and have one of those RH meters that fit inside a quart jar. I have it inside my zip lock to check the relative humidity. I can not find any information on what the ideal RH would be for winter storage of cuttings. My RH gadget is reading 82 now inside the bag and I am wondering what number I should be shooting for. I am sure this makes a big difference in the amount of time cuttings can remain viable inside the fridge.

  17. Thank you so much for helping me understand how to propagate roses. I got some rose branches from someone that’s very special to me and I see some leaves coming out! Omg it’s so exciting! And it’s all thanks to you! God bless you. ❤

  18. I intend to do some apple and cherry cuttings. Thank you so much for reminding me. I will definitely be watching and saving those upcoming videos.👍

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