Garden Plans

Flosstube #252 – Changing Up 2023 Plans

Stitchin’ Mommy Etsy Shop:
Stitchin’ Mommy Facebook Page:
Stitchin’ Mommy Amazon Page (affiliate link):
Stitch Along with Stitchin’ Mommy FB Group:
Stitchin’ Mommy’s Color Conversions Blog:

Fat Quarter Shop (affiliate link):
Magazine Monthly Cross Stitch Challenge:
Stitch Into the Wild:
The Victoria Sampler Year in Stitches:
Full Coverage Fanatics:

@leann.stitches @Kat Talks @Morgan Begley | Missteaandstitches @TerryleeCrafts @blitstitch @CZookStitch @Lisa’s stitching and such @Jessie Marie Does Stuff


  1. Flosstube and facebook groups are definitely enablers, and the people who watch flosstube tend to be even more so I think. Every time I've seen a flosstuber ask advise on whether or not to start something the overwhelming response is YES. Very few people seem to choose restraint. While I don't do flosstube (yet) I have felt this push as well. Luckily my crafting budget is super tiny, so buying fabric for new starts all the time is not feasible, and with 4 very young kids my stitching time is at a premium (hence not starting my own flosstube channel yet). I do think it would be nice to see more viewers (in general across flosstube) helping encourage restraint and progress, especially when the flosstuber seems to be really wanting to get things finished in a timely manner. I have definitely put gifts and projects for my family (especially for my kids) at the top of my list. I have a number that I really want to get gone while my kids are still young enough to really enjoy them.The rest of my projects will have to fall as they may, at least until I start having more time for stitching. Bringing joy to my family with the projects I've promised them is most important. Happy stitching and a merry Christmas season!

  2. I wouldn't mind seeing the projects that are not slated for a finish just to see what they are like.

  3. I love the fall colors, but summer temperatures are my favorite. Next year I will be using your US Map to stitch my walk across America challenge… 5057 miles!

  4. It is sort of fall like here but winter is really banging on the door. I have been shocked with doing my first ever temperature tree, your design, how non-symetrical our year is. You have inspired me to create my own temperature charts. I am designing and planning on making a 10 year project starting next year. We shall see.

  5. Oh my! Your happiness is scrapiness block is gorgeous!!! My plans for 2023 are each month one finish and one new start. It will be a challenge but I am up for it…I think. I agree, flosstube is the great enabler. I am also doing no new charts being bought. I think if I succeed my reward will be Sampler of Stitches, as yours is so beautiful and I am again enabled.

  6. You are most certainly the most organized stitcher I have ever seen and it fascinates me! I know I can never be this organized so I just watch you do it. The fall project is super cute. As is the temperature Quaker. Very cute.

  7. I love your videos and I am sad when I miss it. Fall is my favorite season especially to stitch

  8. Fall has definitely come and gone where I live. Leaves aren't falling but snow is. 😊

  9. I love fall colors. I also love watching your channel because you always makes plan and I do, too. Take care.

  10. I can't plan all my stitching a year in advance. What works for me is my stitching basket. On the last day of the month, I pull my WIPGO pieces and then shop my WIPs and kitted stash. I pick a mix of of pieces to work on and add one just in case I finish everything (that has never happened). It all goes in the basket. It works for me because I only spend an hour or so a month reviewing my options. I also don't spend hours when I finish a piece what to pull next to work on. I can also easily add in new purchases or stitching for others.

  11. I love all your projects 😍 I think you should just focus on pieces you enjoy ! And have fun with your stitching ♥️ love seeing your quilting as well – I would love to know how to sew and quilt, I find it especially annoying when I dont know what I can do with my finished cross stitch pieces 😅

  12. I love the FALL piece from fat quarter shop. I love seeing haul. Those Christmas cookie cutters are so cute! I may have to put that on my wish list.

  13. I recently sorted all my whips by season. I then sorted each season by those projects that had the most done to those barely started. I enjoy stitching in the season so that helped me to really see what I had. Hopefully I will make great progress on Christmas/ Winter which I made December through April.

  14. I always enjoy seeing what you are working on. I don't make plans for my stitching except to know I need to stitch 6 Christmas ornaments each year. Fall is my favorite season.

  15. Sarah, I always look forward to your flosstube! You make me want to stitch more for sure! I love the idea of stitching seasonal on Sundays. I’ve been wanting to purchase the Montages. This may be a great reason to pull the trigger and see if I can make progress along with you!!

  16. Hi Sarah, love all your stitching. I have a question about when you crop full coverage, on pattern keeper do you show what was cropped as stitched?

  17. Hi sara,
    Carolyn is doing the FALL it's in her rotation. Love the quilts♥️
    It's great seeing you today.
    Have a great week ahead ♥️

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