Backyard Garden

June 2021 Backyard Garden Tour with update on Satsuma tree.


  1. Beautiful garden 🪴👌and clean and well organized. I planted my raspberries and black berries in same bed. Is it ok to keep it or move to another spot. My raspberries are taking of all the bed, can you please suggest me what is best way to do😊

  2. Where did you get the bottle gourd seeds? Same for bitter melon. I’ve seen bitter melon on baker creek but cannot find bottle gourd

  3. Do you leave your bay laurel plant outside year round or do you bring it in? I would love to know if you do anything extra to keep it alive all year. Your garden looks lovely. The black berries are growing so nicely. Do you mind sharing with me where you bought your black trellis from? Thanks for sharing

  4. Love your garden. Very well planned. Excellent mix of fruits, flowers and veggies. You made good use of the slope at the back. Keep it coming, would love to see how your garden is coming along.

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