Backyard Garden

“Variation in Disease Susceptibility Throughout the Year or Winter”, Adam Dolezal – NY Bee Wellness

0:00; Begin
0:40; Start Slides
1:08; U of Illinois website, Post-doc members
2:05; Winter bees
3:14; Colony losses
4:31; Recommendations for winter survival
7:04; Winter bees- Breaking all the Rules
18:04; Bee physiology & Disease susceptibility changes
32:09; Overwintering Building for research
34:14; Viral Tracking in winter
44:11; Summation-Winter bees
48:16; Management recommendations
53:34; Questions

Prof. Adam G Dolezal (Assistant Professor in the Department of Entomology @University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign)

Description: We know that honey bee disease incidence changes throughout the year, with some pathogens (especially viruses) popping up and disappearing frequently. However, we know very little about how bees themselves respond differently over time, especially during the winter/diutinus period. I’ll discuss some work we’ve done tracking disease susceptibility in our bees throughout the entire year with the goal of understanding when bees are at the highest risk, when they are at their best, and helping us decide when the most effective time for interventions occurs”

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