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MOTHMAN: AN AMERICAN LEGEND | Detective Ridiculous

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In West Virginia folklore, the Mothman is a humanoid creature reportedly seen in the Point Pleasant area from November 15, 1966, to December 15, 1967. The first newspaper report was published in the Point Pleasant Register, dated November 16, 1966, titled “Couples See Man-Sized Bird … Creature … Something”. The national press soon picked up the reports and helped spread the story across the United States. The source of the legend is believed in modernity to have originated from sightings of out-of-migration sandhill cranes or herons.

The Mothman was introduced to a wider audience by Gray Barker in 1970, and was later popularized by John Keel in his 1975 book The Mothman Prophecies, claiming that there were supernatural events related to the sightings, and a connection to the collapse of the Silver Bridge. The book was later adapted into a 2002 film, starring Richard Gere.

An annual festival in Point Pleasant is devoted to the Mothman legend


  1. One thing to consider is the following: We as a species developed on a continent where we had to worry about lions, leopards, bears, hyenas and whatever their messed up ancestors were.
    I'm pretty sure we have an instinct that just tells us that glowing eyes in the dark are bad news because many of the things that would have been most dangerous to early humans would have been nocturnal predators with eyes that reflect light.
    In other words: If you see a pair of big glowing eyes in the dark unexpectedly, odds are you will panic and try to get away as quickly as possible, rather than coming closer to investigate because evolution does not create horror movie side characters.
    And if you are already panicked, you will interpret things a certain way or exaggerate. Maybe the scary flying thing was simply moving in a simular direction as you, but you think you're being chased. Maybe you weren't actually driving all that fast but because you were scared, you now think that you must have been going at a hundred miles an hour.

  2. A moment of silence for the mothman museum’s official site’s comment section page that got shut down after people kept using it to thirst post about mothman.

  3. So as someone who lives around a lot Sandhill cranes I can tell you those birds are usually quiet and nice to be around but when they get mad they are vicious. They tend to roam around in small family groups of around 3 usually being the parents and child and when you get to close to their chick they will fight just about anything even fully grown humans and I have seen one of them stab their peak through a dudes hand one time.

  4. Lets ask the real question. Would you F mothman? 😅

    like = yes moffdaddy take me
    Comment = take yo dusty ass home moffboi

  5. I am so excited this episode seems to be doing as well as it is. I wanna see more cryptid stuff for sure

  6. "Eye Burn" is a common injury for welders, welding arc has very strong uv-c light which really fucks up your eyes and causes extreme sunburn, hurts like a bitch

  7. Witnesses: "We just saw a literal fucking angel, a big ol' bird man with bird wings"
    Morons, apparently: "Moth? Moth you say? Mothman?"

  8. So… is harmless, it has red eyes, has wings and can fly.
    Bro, sounds like Vulkan stole Corax's jump pack and is looking for friends.

  9. There is a show called Mountain Monsters which follows a munch of Rednecks trying to find evidence or even trap the cryptids. Very entertaining and they tend to come close to finding or catching then. Their episode on the Mothman is quite entertaining.

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