Container Gardening

My Container Garden – 5/18/12 – (melons!)

The watermelons are 3.5 to 5 lbs with 5-6″ diameters.


  1. Great looking garden for containers! I am impressed! Many container gardens look sickly and undernourished. You must have great soil in those pots!

  2. Your garden is very costly to maintain. Mine is zero cost, almost, except for gypsum. I don't even need to import anything from outside; I used all the organic matters as natural fertilizer from within my garden, mainly grass, weeds, and flowers. I don't use raised beds any more cause they allow slugs to breed and hide. I don't even do compost any more, cause the better way is to simply dump organic matter back to the ground; that way you can attract a lot of beneficial insects (such as ground spiders) and worms. 

  3. omg I just cann't believe how many watermelons who had!!!Awesome!!! Check my channel for some 2014 seedling testsss hehe!

  4. I'm going all out–Banana Melons –I had one vine find the edge of a cattle wire trellis and grow a hanger that did reach ground about a foot long when I seen it still green and growing fast -when got done and went yellow it had a rounded fat bottem and slimmed down to stem ..almost a teardrop shape ..weight just the same as the grounded 20+long and 12inch fat ones –compost tea home brew once a week and it's a jungle of many vine growing yummies in my yard..grow some fun stuff new each year ,,my fav breakfast ,banana melon slices or some strange looking cantalope once you taste them –1melon averages 7+pounds of cleaned fruit-SMOOTHIES !!!

  5. I might do this. My natural soil can't support a melons food demands so this should work better I think

  6. What soil do you use? I have a terrible problem with drainage/density. The plant always seems to get stunted.

  7. Ordering my seed I am picking up Cershownski cantaloupe and bark watermelon. Going to be an interesting year Sir All the best! I am growing them in pots, so I can start a bit early. Up here in Canada we has a shorter growing season. Best wishes in the garden this year.

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