Gardening Supplies

Flashpoint: Michigan senator discusses midterm election; What to know about the Adderall shortage

A big, big week ahead in Detroit. Thanksgiving is just about here, which means the great tradition of America’s Thanksgiving Parade presented by Gardner White, is ready to make its annual march down Woodward Avenue. We’re thrilled as always to be your home for one of Detroit’s signature events — and we invite you to be a part of it, either in person or watching from wherever you may be on the air, online and streaming on local four plus. But before we get to Thursday, there is plenty on tap this morning on Flashpoint. Changes are coming in Washington D.C. as the Republicans take over the house — they’ve already got a laundry list of investigations they’d like to launch. And for the first time in two decades, House Democrats won’t be taking their marching orders from Nancy Pelosi. Yet, there aren’t as many changes coming as republicans had hoped as they continue the autopsy on the midterm. This morning, we’re going to talk with Michigan Senator Gary Peters. He’s the head of the democratic senatorial campaign committee, which looked like a lousy job going into the midterms, but Peters is being hailed as the chief strategist that kept the red wave at bay. We’re also going to get to two important topics away from politics. First, a nasty intersection of illness could be setting in. We’ve already got pediatric care units packed with RSV cases, and here comes flu season — what many fear will be a new surge of COVID-19.


  1. Too bad media never looked at all the reasons Ivermectin was condemned by Whitmer at the beginning of the madness. She is responsible for the deaths of thousands in Michigan. She threatened doctors and hospitals, she caused the suffering of everyone. "Nothing to see here, move along,,," Not very curious these 'newsreaders'

  2. Keep investigating Donald Trump CANT TOUCH HIM –HE DID NOTHING WRONG . Joe and his son stole millions from other Countries. Tuder won yall will be in trouble

  3. Whitmer just gave away 2 billion dollars for electric cars , for what ,when all of the people need money and food – she need to get all of that money any the jobs back .

  4. Voting is
    Ridiculous nothing has changed….can't wait 4 the EBS….

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