Vegetable Gardening

Harvest big cucumber in vegetable garden for cooking.2 recipes with cucumber/Cooking with Sreypich

Hello everyone. Welcome back to visit Rural Girl channel. Smart girl Pich harvest big cucumber in vegetable garden for cooking. Two recipes with cucumber. She is going to makes cucumber soup and pickled cucumber. Sreypich cooks with confidence. She is a patient girl, and she likes cooking.
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  1. Nice to see a peek at the new construction going on around your home. Huge property. Before and after pictures or clip would be nice to see for your loyal viewers, Srey Pov. 

    With all that building rubble from a demolition I was going to made a comment about Ukraine. Sad for them.😢 Perfectly good country… now hell rains from above. ☮

    Srey Pich, you are learning so much about cooking. The pickles will be fantastic. Cucumber and pork looks fresh, fragrant and satisfying.❤

  2. Beautiful girl, 田園裏面的瓜, 超新鮮, 妹妹你好叻, 可以利用 青瓜兩味, 青瓜釀豬肉 新鮮好美味, 醃青瓜, 爽口, 開胃👍👍👍

  3. Questa è la bambina nei video di country side life, hanno messo pure lei a fare video. Fra un po' metteranno a cucinare pure la piccolina.

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