Gardening Supplies

Russia Threatens West not to Supply Oil to countries that support the introduction of price cap

Russia Threatens the West not to Supply Oil to countries that support the introduction of price cap


  1. I want Russia and china to learn from the mistakes that west did to them and get better and not to be like them

  2. They wanted your resources for free, the believed it should be free?? Morons….
    More Iimportanstly the US wanted access to your resources..

  3. Americans can flood the market by releasing strategic reserves of 200 million barrels onto the market in order to lower the price to 40 dollars mark for oil . The Russians are panicking because they are losing the war with Ukraine and Turkey has closed the entrance to the Black Sea the Russian Black Sea fleet is badly damaged and two Kilo class submarines are out of action.

  4. And we won't they will pay. US you better back the blackie before ur enemies knock on your door. Dont ask for my help when it's too late. Because i wont help when you are in the doom.

  5. "Prosperous, well fed and impudent life". Definition of Impudent: showing scorn for or disregard of others. pot calling the kettle black isn't it? She is a remarkable, competent and intelligent spin doctor. I have come to respect her talent and capabilities; however, in this instance it's difficult to support her position when missiles are striking civilians and civil infrastructure in Ukraine. Additionally you have Russian state media endorsing functional genocide of the Ukranians by openly supporting freezing the Ukranians. Are we losing sight of what is happening here….. Russia invaded a sovereign nation under false pretense and is now destroying the lives of not only the Ukranians; but, also the lives of many Russians and their families……. when is evil not evil?

  6. they are killing innocent people……. and they want to deflect that by intellectual banter…….. WHY are they doing this?

  7. Sell large volumes to unfriendly countries that have frozen/ seized Russian state assets & then don't deliver.
    If it's good for the goose it's good for the gander.

  8. You better sell your oil while you still can the electric cars will be here sooner than you think . factories for all parts are going up here in the united states Ford is on the move .

  9. Isn't cutting off the supply of oil and gas to countries in order to get them to change their foreign policy, disruptive to the free market? The price of gas, oil and food have risen due to Rusia's actions. If the cap was toothless, then Russia wouldn't be complaining about it so much. Russia doesn't have tankers, they relied on pipelines. It must rent them from the sanctioning countries, so they can cut off the supply of tankers the way Russia has cut off the supply of gas etc. Turnabout is fair play.

  10. Russia should stop all oil shipments to the west. No price caps no negotiations. I'd increase the oil cost above what america is shipping and selling it more. No conditions.

  11. How else can you react to people who extort. It is quite logical that you pay for a product, but at a fair price. What becomes very clear is that the result will be no more oil from Russia and they will start hopelessly lagging behind in every possible area, China has also been more and more banned from advanced chips for some time, it is just a matter of time.

  12. Maybe there should be a price cap on supermarket foods and beverages that are going up daily without ending in EU to ease the pains the EU citizens and the poor British are going through

  13. There is an awful lot of hypocrisy going on here. She is standing in the middle of Moscow scolding others for luxury lifestyles and bandits? Really?

    The vast majority of Americans and probably most westerners can't afford and don't have anything close to a luxurious lifestyle. Grow up and stop swallowing propaganda.

  14. And here we have some Russian bitch talking about the terrible west and banditry!! Incredible….

  15. This is not a threat but a fight back the EU must get to hell and disappear and give the peaceful a chance.

  16. The west is trying to stir trouble in China again the USA are an imperialist debt collector to keep our planet in their dollar debt. The new financial Slavery capitalism.

  17. 1.After blowing up Nord stream, EU leaders agreed a price cap
    Russia will refuse to sell fuel to Europe.
    2. Eu industries and skilled workers will have no choice but to relocate to the US because fuel is cheaper to run their business. EU industries will give the US more power to compete with China.
    3. EU leaders will continue to hand out Ukrainian flags and keep the masses glued to the war like a football match
    4. The forever war will cause mass migration from Ukraine into EU countries creating chaos as there will be a depression, people will freeze, sewage in the streets, tent cities, no food, homelessness, massive crimes and terrorism using US weapons intentionally fallen into the wrong hands and no jobs.
    3. African and Middle Eastern migrants will be used for cheap labour or more likely return to their countries because at least its warmer
    4. Once they finished their jobs and pretend they are fighting against the US, European leaders will then relocate to the US and live luxurious lifestyles.
    5. Biden have 2 more years to finalise his plan to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN as he promised during his election campaign.

  18. Who writes these false headlines? Is this yet another CIA controlled channel? She is not threatening anything here. She's stating the facts, and responding to EU sanctions.

  19. The West does not need Russian oil. The Western leaders are not competent enough to find sources of oil that do not rely on Russia.

  20. I thought the US believed in free trade and the invisible hand of the markets…oh that's right, exceptionalism. No one will hold dollars or keep their reserves in western countries banks after recent foreign reserve thefts and sanctions. The west is destroying itself.

  21. I am of the opinion it is not a threat. It is an option that they have as the oil is theirs. The USA is becoming the bully of the world. Other countries are starting to reject thIs scenario.

  22. Why are the Opec, the Opec plus and BRICS not impose a total "floor price" on the most strategic base products???

    If some, then dosen't want to pay above this "floorprice", then they obviously are not intressed to get these products!!!

    So then there is nothing to discuss.
    The "americanskij" and theire small letter boys then not can use this situation to punnish companies that buys oil, gas, manganese, steel, and so on, above the so called american created cap price.
    Becouse when theire not exist any products under the price cap then the US does not have ANY RIGHT according to int trade lawes to impose fees or booty on companies that buy up theire needs above the producers "floor price".
    Cause theire are no products sold under this.
    Hence, no one can act according to this suppoused "cap price" level.

    And if the yankeeies still demands that other countries companies and industries shall become out of base acommodies, then it will be obvius to every one, that the sole purpouse for this s c "cap policy", are to "Cap the heads" of every competing company to americans.
    yes or, in the worst of cases.
    That the UK and US administration consists of people with no consequens analytic capacity!!!???!!


    And who will pay?

    You and me again!!

  23. "Something is wrong in this world if two women are discussing 'stingers,' MANPADS, SAMs, HARM anti-radar missiles….." Ha! This woman is terrific!–and so is the reporter. No wonder women are disgusted!

  24. They should do this . Ukraine migrants will overwhelm our countries. Rent, food, taxes will go up. This will only hurt Russia oligarchs

  25. “I would like to emphasize that many oil producing countries oppose such a measure. Knowing full well that today it is aimed against Russia and tomorrow for political or purely economic reasons it can be applied to any other country.” – Maria Zakharova.

    It is precisely for this reason that India, Mexico, Brazil, China, Indonesia, Turkey… ignore the sanctions. They know full well that they too could be targeted. They realize that in order to protect/save themselves, they must protect/save Russia.

  26. GREAT MARIA… IL❤VE YOU… Intelligent and polite… not hysterical like the rest of the female Heads of State or ministers in other countries…

  27. This is great news. Just like a union . If your boss takes advantage. In this case Putin. It needs to be capped. Do you non sayers want mass migration of 44 million.

  28. Caps are only on sold oil that is produced since the us stopped producing oil it doesn't have the right to interfere with price on anything .the world should just turn Thier backs on American policies since it has no leadership and is weak .they should attack while it is at its weakest .and the dollar costs more to print than it's value .

  29. I don’t feel sorry for Russia in the slightest. These toilet terrorists have decided to invade a country and are now crying that the nasty West are being unkind. Well tough shit! Russia problem is that it has to sell oil because it has run out of storage space. Unless it can get rid of its oil will have to cap its wells. Reinstating a capped well takes ages and a great deal of skill to undo. So they will just have to suck it up.

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