



  1. your little garden is looking nice and so happy you put down straw. Love the sweet onions that have taken root and are growing. and OMG the tomato plant is blooming:-) 1st ever!!. Aaron, I use a small spray bottle of water and vinegar to stay on leaves that will help with the pest issue.. the newspaper issue I did in my garden area last year, and though some of it has degraded, I still have some left, that has not degraded yet, so want to add more first and manure this year and by next year should be good to go..I have also planted marigolds around my garden as well, seems to work🙂Great Job to both of you.. Thank you for sharing..

  2. Hope the newspaper works. I did a section this spring in my Mom's rose garden with that garden fabric and it was a real pain.

  3. The marigolds will attract the bees which in turn will help with the pollination of the plants. Great job guys.

  4. As always we enjoy your videos so much, it's great to see the Old Byrd farm coming back to life. We also love seeing you and Aaron do your crazy things together. We were not sure if either of your old trucks would make it back to your farms. You are both entertaining and fun. Your vegs look great. We will miss you and Aaron together for a while but we are glad he is going on his journey. Glad to see Mr. Jerry is doing a lot better. Cant wait to see the next adventure.

  5. Growing nasturtiums near your squash will keep pests away and draw pollinators to the garden.

  6. How much is a large load of road-gravel to secure your swamp-rat-road delivered/spread by a commercial dump-truck?.. just curious! I like what you're doing there. – jfm

  7. A Garden is a Wonderful thing. Food at its Purest.. Great Job on the good looking Garden. Thanks for showing off all your hard work.
    Oh by the way are you an Aaron trying to be twins? It sure looks that way. ABìg Hello to both you an Aaron.

  8. For about 6 months my pup decided digging in the garden and ripping out plants was the best thing EVER. I looked out one fine day to see her flinging an azalea into the air, pouncing on it, ripping off branches, flinging them across the yard, rinse and repeat. She was having so much fun I didn't have the heart to stop her. 😆 One thing that I've found that keeps my dogs out of my beds is to shovel their poo in them. Don't need to go overboard but you do need to keep up with it. Best dog repellent I've ever found.

  9. Your garden is impressive! Your passion and hard work shows. It’s so enjoyable to watch plants change and grow each day. As a gardener & YouTube creator myself I am extremely thankful for any tips and guidance you provide. I hope we can learn from each other as we grow!

  10. I learned something, about weeds…
    To every liter of water add 6 tsp salt/ 6 tsps dawn spray on the weeds only in the sun ☀️ won’t work other than that

  11. Robert is uncle Ken still around. My 95 year old mother in Law watch you guys. She was wondering where uncle Ken is

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